They could also join a GDKP. It worked for you
Was it MoP that Affliction Warlocks would fly to said enemies capital city and place corruption on some lower level target dummies and have an almost invulnerable shield?
Or maybe that was WoD. Or MoP but early in the expansion.
You guys full clear normal yet?
Damn 7/13H in phase 1 and 0/7H in p2…
Yikes, you need some help lil bro?
You swap servers so your guild can find more buyers in 25m?
No still on Benediction.
We did recruit a new priest tho, we even let him roll on the Rag mount on his first kill.
I actually won 1 of them this week.
Maybe if you paid us we can carry you to 1?
Let you see all 7 Heroic bosses your guild can’t beat.
Warlocks literally become another class. Nothing like their original selves, nothing like their original lore. Just some bumass fantasy fanfiction twilight version of what was once a great class. Disgusting and embarrassing, but with HUGE numbers so who cares?
No, sorry. I don’t support GDKPs so I won’t be joining your group.
My group is a guild run, our logs are public, infact it’s the guild im with on fresh and have been with since wotlk launched.
We use LC.
Are you ok friend?
But your p2w gear is private. Got a Paypal in the Discord?
PayPal is still a thing?
Just go play era we know cataclysm is way too hard for you
Yeah, it’s how most of you degens get loot nowadays. You know this though. I’m sure it’s an approved source of payment for the “LC”.
You seem to know a lot about how people pay for stuff… almost like you have first-hand experience about buying stuff.
It makes sense that you’re a swiper after all your trash at the game
Here we go with the attempted uno reverse of “nuh uh, you’re the one paying for gear”
Buddy, you literally live on these forums trash talking people’s advancement through HM content while coasting in a 25m raid(the typical GDKP size) doing less dmg than tanks on bosses. Judging by your dmg you clearly are not contributing much to the HM clears, and are dying to rather simple mechanics(like slow moving rings on Atramedes, Mr. 10k dps).
You live on the forums lmao.
My guy you can’t even clear the content.
I could green parse every fight and I’m still contributing more than you are and you can cherry pick a fight I happened to die early on which rarely happens, hell you can pull up my heroic rag logs and put prog and I think I died early 2 times in 91 pulls.
Ignore all my 99s and Cherry pick the occasional fight I do bad in all while you hide.
Imagine being you, you gotta try to make fun of someone WHILE YOU HIDE LMAO.
No one takes your clown a@@ seriously, youre a coward too insecure to post on their main on a video game forum ffs, you’re a nobody
Both of you are derailing the subject being discussed here, which is the tier list for MoP.
Just wait for the video hallway monitor
Regardless of any tier list, I am definitely rocking my lock. I often jokingly refer to MoP as “the golden age of warlocks” but I do feel there is some truth to it. At the very least, I love how all three specs play in MoP, Demo especially, so I have been looking forward to this for a while. Can’t wait to unlock green fire while current again!
Hope your icelance finger is ready for mop
I have no idea what I’m going to play yet
I’m pretty sure frost is garbage in mop and arcane is top mage spec which I hate arcane.
I would love if frost was top mage spec since I like proc based and snapshot type of rotations but I think frost sucks.
Frost is the play for the final patch build until SoO then you can play Fire this is also based off pserver logs