I’m down with everything OG MoP, but I hope they keep talent trees and just add points to it instead of the every 15 levels thing!
If anything expect the bare minimum and not too much changed or added. Considering how they run cataclysm people in general should expect minimum effort and changes.
This sounds like too many changes that this devs dont want to put into this.
That won’t happen because it’s a classic release, not a refurbished/polished one. The talent twig was one of the very few things that I didn’t like about MoP. Blizz would have done so much better to make another talent tree that synergizes with what we have now.
Doesn’t sound like you’re down with everything OG MOP if you don’t want the talent system.
(I don’t want the talent system either, but they’re not going to change it.)
that would require way too much rebalancing to have us keep the current talents and then add on more for 85-90.
also all 3 Monk specs and both Feral and Guardian would need completely new talent trees
It’s all cookie cutter anyways. And most talents are integrated into the spec anyways. The new mop talents are interchangeable depending on what you are doing
Too bad. We’re sadly getting the worst talent system ever designed starting with the pre-patch.
After playing classic and the “new” talent trees in DF and TWW I prefer the talent trees in MoP to SL.
I hate to be the typical nihilistic forum naysayer, but it’s extremely unlikely they’d invest any more than the bare minimum resources to make any creative changes to the game… Expect MoP Classic to be as much of a copy+paste as is humanely possible for them.
isnt that the point of classic? just relaunch old games the way they were? SOD is where they were changing things.
It was, back when Classic first launched. And then they bastardized the game with that ugly mount, and toys, and the WoW token, and boosts, etc.
Now changes are free game. The only thing to understand about this is that they’ll change things whenever it’s convenient for Blizzard/Microslop shareholders (e.g., they can add microtransaction garbage) and do nothing when it’s convenient (e.g., not lifting a finger to improve the game, or fix literal thousands of bugs)…
And none of this is me being negative or hyperbolic, it’s literally just their track record at this point.
There are other views than yours on the WoW tokens. I played back when they didnt exist. This game could sometimes feel like a job if you didnt have a good hustle going on. Im at a different stage in my life than I was back then. My time is more valuable to me. Im happy to pay Blizzard to get some gold and avoid any grinding i dont have to do.
said no one ever.
As much as I didn’t like the MoP talents, I think DF is worse. It’s way too bloated and just… I don’t like it.
The entire reason they changed the talents in MoP is because they said that the old talent trees were getting too bloated. Every time they upped the level cap, they had to add to it. Well, they went back to a similar idea of having huge talent trees, and they made it even more complex, and imo less fun. Retail needs the old talent trees, from Vanilla to Cata. Sometimes simplicity is best.
I mean. Now they go back to idea of 3 talent trees they have to balance per spec? A class talent tree, a spec talent tree, and hero talents. Why not just cut back and use a simpler, more fun talent tree that’s not gonna be overly complex.
I dunno. They keep making changes to retail that just make me never wanna go back to it. At least they have Classic now :\
Think if they change anything about MoP it should be bringing the Flex raid system in early. That way groups can run 10-30 people and you don’t have to worry about finding pugs when people have to miss for IRL issues. Maybe even bring the Retail warband system in for Reputations…?(excluding the Lego cloak rep) Just my 2 cents
This is something I’d support. I’m all for allowing people to alt better, and the Flex system would be so nice… well if it extended to Mythic later on. Kind of awkward being like “You 10 sit out this week, no mythic for you!” since you know with the system a roster is probably going to be 30 for maximum roster boss fighting.
Does it really matter though? Sure you’re picking more talents but everyone is playing the same build that is raiding at a high level, everyone else who cares. It doesn’t really affect them. I’d argue there’s more variation in specs with mop talents because all 3 in each row can be used situationally. Where in cata you may change one or two only. It only feels better clicking your talent points in but at the end of the day it doesn’t matter
I just did. I dont need a 1% crit talent 5 times to make me feel good. Hero talents are set and forget, at least back in MoP thru SL I would change things up from time to time.
Yep, and they added hero talents which they are going to have to keep around now or put the good talents into the trees, which means more bloat.
i too prefer MoP-SL talents, i don’t have to bother looking up builds to see which “increase X spell’s damage by 1%” talents i have to allocate my points to until i can finally get an actual good talent or brand new spell