Omg , blast from the past, heya Flippin, It’s Jaderia, I remember hanging out with you
Tonton the waterboy! heya Jaderia from AO/AE. Nice to see someone else here. Would like to know whatever happened to Sirtweek, Infidelsyrus, Surferdiego, Charlord…So many people and from so long ago.
It’s Warpaladin from Fenrir! It’s been so long! How have you been?
I’m Vincere on the Mankrik server, come say hello, I’d love to catch up!
Straya, long time no see.
Some of us are still around.
Jaderia!! OMG! I cannot believe you’re still playing! I hope all is well! I haven’t played tonton since wotlk, been playing a warrior since. for classic I decided to go back as mage
I would like to know the same! I literally have been thinking about all of you for the past 12 years when I play WoW.
Rob the jewelry store and told them make me a grill
Probably the night we were up till 6am (my time zone) completing ZG
Now that’s a name I remember. This is Barbobot, NE Rogue of Oh Snap. Fairly certain you invited me to Oh Snap from Warcraft Anonymous when Oh Snap was first forming. Just like how you remember your fellow mages, I remember the other rogues (mostly): Avest, Pinkeh, Jiblel (was that his name?), Catria .By chance we are even on the same server for current WoW, though I haven’t played it in a while.
Lots of good memories from back then. Haven’t gone nearly as hard as back then either and not looking to again.
Awesome I’m playing on ManKirk, going to have to look everyone up!
Larkspur from Reverence and Fenrir. Some names on here I remember!
Hey hey Eregon… Boss here… I still chat with Peg… still on Moonrunner… HG… toon is Laylaana… !!
oh my goodness… fallen shadows… that is a guild name i haven’t heard in a long time… This is Bosslady…
hey Caleris… Bosslady here… still on Moonrunner… play priest now… Laylaana… i received a message from a dear friend telling me I need to check out the forums. I still chat with Pegasus!! and still in Holy Guardians
Hey Bosslady! You might seen my character during Vanilla. Surprised we never crossed paths. Always wanted to group with you in them days. My old rogue is named Bossman! Happy hunting!
I remember you jade good to see you remember the imaginary friends, dont know what happened to most those names only know what happened to gwen and koriag
Where is everyone in Classic? I started a guild on Alliance side of Mankrik, using my old Kayana name. Hit me up if you want to join me!
oh hell ya! it’s crazy actually seeing someone from masquerade days haha
YO Volb I was Fallhard back in the day!
Man we had so many good times back then. Good to see all of the old players posting in here. Blast from the past ^^