you missed Kinzi and Vantasia there remember xena and kinzi trying to teach me how to ask for conjured water in chinese
Zarinath Ret Pally mostly PVP
Played Straya(Nelf Hunter)/Tåø(Nelf Druid) back in the day on Moonrunner. Played with Fenrir and probably some others back in the day. Went with Oh Snap to Dragonmaw when we all spiraled to Horde. Wondering who I’ve forgotten from my super casual and noobish days before Oh Snap and where people are playing!
I remember you! Not sure what you remember me as… I assume as Tayo the Belf Priest… I’m facebook friends with Phlow and Brain and some other old school OS folks… dunno what people’s plans are with classic coming out though. There’s a Bad guild group on there, the guild we made when we went horde, that a lot of the oldies are in.
Phlow doesn’t play anymore but I’m friends with him on facebook
Brix the gnome mage here. Was in Unity, still keep in contact with lots of them. Planning on making characters on Atiesh, willing to help old friends and new out with 5 mans, or quests.
Conier, was a human priest in HNS in classic, Infernal Affairs thereafter. Too many friends to mention from classic, still play some with some IA types on Thrall. Mostly remember the fun of having the world bosses on lockdown for several months, and really, really hating hunters.
EDIT: And the Commander grind, which was both fun and mindnumbing at the same time.
Oh wow!! Blast from the past! This is Softie, the NE Druid… one of the few that was with Oh Snap from the beginning. I was recruited into OS by Avaste , a Rogue. Was that the right name?
I quit right at the end of Vanilla, when we were clearing Naxx. I came back, of course, we all do, but not to Oh Snap. I remember I saw Phlow years ago in another MMO… what was the name… TERA! Was a random coincidence that was!
I’ll be rolling on Whitemane, Horde this time around, and for sure not as a Druid again. Pigeon-holed into healing for all time and eternity! lol
If you want, reach out on Discord maybe? Name: bigdizz0#0250
To add to your list, there was Purr, another Druid. You forgot Wubba the mage. The token Fury Warrior that was friends with Brain and Cynner I believe? Meathead, dwarf warrior who I remember tried quitting one time on 4 Horsemen, and caused a lot of drama. Lol.
Man, good times!
Badpuppy! I surely remember you. Mostly, we had a great guild
back then. Opening the gates, and bailing out! I think that was because
at our core, we were focused on just providing a wonderful experience.
Back then, and now, I still listen to wild “classical” music, ranging from
Beethoven to Cage. Makes the game nicer to play… Hopefully see you
in game, but it’s going to be weird with so many. Looking forward to
non-neutered classes. “Esports” balance really made this game boring
in my opinion.
Mssr. Abnevis! I remember you, and Fatrednek. Great guild back then,
that lasted quite some time.
Hey man good to see you. old HnSer here. had a stupid hunter by the name Nicexshot lmao. rolled with Darsomala, Solitude, Zerial and Kz
Hi Conier, I was Darsomala NE Druid in HNS! are you playing classic??
Yeah, I’m rolling Alliance on Bigglesworth (to avoid the painful queues on the big servers).
Oh man, I remember you guys. I went from Masquerade to Alliance Elites in Vanilla, got picked up by Tørment at some point in BC.
Silent Resurgence
The good all days
Looking for former Drop Bear members if possible: Bosskwar, Slinkette/Blinkette, having trouble remembering other names of characters but anyone drop Drop Bears would be nice to talk to again.
Most of my toons were Killmanjaro back then, main was a NElf Rogue.
Daisuke (NE Huntard) or most call me Daisy. I remember being in HnS!
Venestus - Night Elf Hunter
Calafein - Night Elf Warrior
Started out in Holy Guardians, hopped around a bit before landing in Stronghold.
Hi Kitty!! I’m Jaderia-holy priest. Hope you and Thrand are doing well I remember hanging out with you a fair bit