Moonrunner Alliance Reconnections

Kittysangel/kittyspriest (gnome rogue/NE priest)

I remember being in unity and alliance elites/optimus

Also Thrand (fury warrior) from Terra Australus

(Obviously not same person)

  • Characters: Athéna (Human Female Mage) Beguriat (Dwarf Male Paladin)
  • Guild: Holy Guardians, Hostile Tranquility
  • Looking for: Cubanorca (Dwarf Male Paladin), Calicuti (NE Female Hunter), Farseed (NE Male Druid), Phlow (Human Male Mage), Bosslady (Human Female Rogue), Pegasus (Human Male Paladin), Xtremehall (Human Male Warrior), Daveb (Human Male Paladin).

Kayana (Mage), I was a founding member of Oh Snap and was there all the way through into BC. Would love to run into some old guildies, however many are still kicking around. I’m not really interested in going as hard as I did back then, but who knows how I’ll feel once I start playing. I specifically remember my fellow mages (Phlow, Litany, Brain, Solberry) and honestly most of the OS raid team.

I remember most of the names mention here. I was in Brother Hood of Steel and was mostly guildless for many years after BHoS.

I was Bossman Human Rogue

we played quite a lot bossman!

I’m sure we did…I was on 24/7…lol

Oh, Ploy! Yea we did! Good to hear from you again. Just figured out that it was you…lol.

  • Pistonknight “PK”, NE Hunter
  • GM of Guardian Exiles, once Holy Guardian member
  • Any former members of the Guardian Exiles! Night, Fae (sp?)… names I can’t remember at this moment. We had a blast!

March 2006 - 10 Holy Guardian members planned to quit HG in protest after disagreements with leadership (Highlander, Pegasus…) but were kicked before doing so. In turn we formed the Guardian Exiles, which turned into a great 200-300 member guild of its own, swearing not to take the game too seriously (and end HG’s reign as a top guild). Guardian Exiles focused on fun social events and strong community first. If you remember the Guardian Exiles, I’d love to hear from you!! Even Holy Guardians, would be interested to see if you remember us :slight_smile:

Pistonknight “PK”
(Now Demoncracy of Emerald Dream)

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I had a warlock named Billoc. The 2 raiding guilds I was in was Democritus and Equitas in classic and in tbc I was in Infernal Affairs. Rolling on a PvP server with my brother. Decided to go with Thalnos cause that queue time to make a name on Herod… lol.

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My name was Kickz a Night Elf Rogue. First joined a small guild named Insolitus, was looking to reconnect with a player by the name of Trok. Also, does anyone remember the guild MK XII? Butterpants, if you are out there!

reroll on harod right now bill… ballo said…

where is infernal affairs?

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Tonally - gnome mage from guild Alliance Optimus.


Kuolema here, Dwarf Priest. Played originally with Fenrir and did a lot of PVP with Uaee and Diabyanki on Alliance.

Not sure if I’m even returning, but it’s great to see many familiar names!


where you going droz?

I started in Soldiers of Fallreev but then moved to Selfless. I’ve reserved names on Pagle.

Alt names: Mabel, Moondaisy, Pheona

Infernal Affairs was unmatched. TOXIC IS BACK BABY


Been a long time… didn’t know if you were going to be playing classic or not… Blaastoffire Human Mage…

Didnt play much in Classic but started really playing in TBC, Went by Lastingnight, was in Neurosis and Stronghold. GM of Neurosis was Imb, GM’s of Stronghold was a couple by Mirr and Butch.