Hi man, been Awhile…I went by Clave back then, Gods of War, Human Holy Paladin.
Droz, Gnome Warrior MR OG
Reverence, Silent Resurgence, I still got the guild tag…lol
Way to many names to remember, played with a lot of awesome raiders, Alliance and Horde side. The golden days of WoW. I see a lot of familiar names in this thread, brings me back.
Hell ya it was
Damn I remember all those names, especially that Fatrednek fella…lol
I miss the Moonkins…
Nice to hear from you! Hope you are doing well.
Hi Elanna! If you do decide, hit me up. I have no idea on my plans either.
I was Aor, a gnome warlock - Brotherhood of Steel / Alliance Elite / Alliance Optimus / Masquerade. Rolling ally on Faerlina
/Wave , I remember Ploy , wielder of thunderfury, and his silent girlfriend who was a rogue.
And Droz, the…louder…gnome warrior. lol
Deamonis (or versions of) Tank for HnS and Warlock in Silent Resurgance
Good stuff - I’m not sure I will be rerolling full time with Classic. I have a guild in another server but it’s possible I will just screw around a little bit with this. Looking at the Classic realms list, I think I will reserve names at Pagle - Eastern time, in case you’d like to reroll Darkrat there as well.
What up Ploy!
Stelthelf, female night elf rogue. I would dance in goldshire for money and never hit 60
Zarahbeth checking in…
Coolguys, Gnome Warrior
Mainly played in TBC with some of the silent resurgence pvpers but I’m recognizing some names here!
I remember playing you a lot in arena in BC!! The few I remember were Fatrednek, Vision, and Vortex who were in silent resurgence I think.
=D whats my name backwards ^^ OMG DEAMONIS <3, TARJA I’m rolling deep on Harod(horde) plz join me mates
Asylius Human Mage - Blades of Wrath / Nemesis
Once a druid always a Druid!!
Early WoW/Vanilla started off as Lilpimpsta (lol hated typing that) then named changed to Lecrae few months before BC and stayed Lecrae all throughout Wrath.
Feral druid dps/tank. Guilds - Knights of Valhalla, Equitas, Untold Retribution, Alliance Optimus, We’ll Do it Live to name a few. Some of these were in BC as well.
Still remember my leveling buddy in vanilla - Puffboy (druid)
where are you guys now? Alabastor Jupitor Vezdazar Countessvi Floppy the pali/MAge, Dom, Holybringer, GTO, Acidburns… Solitude Fireshadow, naturecalls Ballo Evisor Velinara Krosan Yona Thellas Conier Nightshadow filthy, and fatcamp NOURA?
alopavvfalop hunter night elf