Moonkins need help

Agreed. I can still stay in solar while questing at all times. People claiming that that the ability to stay in solar is a bug are just being trolls. It’s not a bug. Period.

Boomy doing pretty well after the bug fix :skull:

I’ve been keeping an eye on the statistics, and boomkins are at the very bottom of raid dps specs.

This however isn’t really the point. At least not by itself. The issue is that an underperforming spec was stealth nerfed and that we still haven’t received any communication on the matter.


They could leave the change as-is and just increase solar/lunar power generation while outside of eclipse, to get us to eclipse more often. That would be swell.

An interesting idea. This would leave in place the surprise nature of eclipse resetting, and also the incentive to not dps on trash. I would like to see those addressed as well. Cant be too picky though, any kind of solution is better than the current silence.

Linking data that most raiders haven’t even done as your data source on a fight you cheese is a bit silly.

How’s your normal raid doing?

So I just did a quick check for normal Chogall, and the dps for Balance doesn’t seem that bad. I mean yea, it’s in last place but not by a huge margin, and the only outlier I’m seeing is Fire mage doing pretty much double the damage of every other dps I checked lol.

You’re looking at a fight that people cheese.

hows that?

P.S. anyways, I still think getting to eclipse more often would be great, because currently being ouside of eclipse on boomkin does not feel great, but then again that has always been a problem with Balance druid.

Sorry meant to say cheese.

Get 100 corruption and have all instant casts.

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If I could make a request: Please stop responding to that individual. Hes trolling and the only thing responding does is encourage more trolling. Theres a reason he went past all the overall logs and data and specifically picked a fight and bracket with exactly ONE log in it. Hes deliberately cherry picking a single log from a single guild to piss you off. It has zero meaning and its a distraction at this point.

Heres the overall data:

Balance is the lowest dps raid spec. The only specs displayed beneath balance druid are specs not used for raiding, such as frost mage and fury warrior, and flex specs such as feral druid which are used to offtank. Its the same story whether you look at the 95th percentile (shown in that graph), or the 90th, or the 75th, or the 50th. The one exception is we did edge out frost DKs in the 75th percentile.

We could simplify this if one wants and say that we are the lowest dps caster by any reasonable consideration. We were then nerfed with an unannounced stealth change. Thats inappropriate and Id appreciate some communication on the matter.

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Oh believe me I know exactly what he’s doing.

He’s also picking a fight he won’t ever clear lmfao.

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Agreed, best way is to ignore their existence.

I agree this Boomy change was unannounced and not even tested in the PTR as previously promised

Linking logs that show boomy isn’t bottom tier dps is trolling now, everyone :skull:

Your jimmies are so rustled you tried to fish for information from my forum character’s guild :skull:

Stalking people won’t fix your shrimp back :skull:

Boomy climbed in placement yet again since the bug fix:

Play boomkin better and you won’t be bottom dps :skull:

Just continue to flag his posts, he will get a much needed vacation. The amount of times he adds :skull: to his posts claiming to be dead, one might think he is suicidal and crying for help. He at least has the attention seeking portion down.

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Additionally its worth noting that doing trash pulls sitting out of eclipse to prep for boss fights feels really bad. Its not only not fun, its frustrating.

Rustled about what?

Why would I go to your normal guild to ask about you, like what are you even saying?

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It’s funny my favorite classes/specs are arcane mage, BM hunter and of course boomy, In LK I didn’t even bother with dungeons or raids with the mage or hunter I just did daily’s and pvp on them because their dps was crap.

Boomy on the other hand I was always in the top 10 in 25 man raids but more often than not, in the top 3 for dps. Now my arcane mage hands down is my highest dps…This can’t be intentional…?

I have to constantly heal when doing daily’s and I’m surprised nobody has even mentioned how bad our self healing is, I mean wth is going on? it’s like bliz decided they want to destroy the balance spec completely.
