Moonkins need help

lol, lmao even :skull:

Thought I’d link boomy being a top dps again when played well. I know these nerds hate facts:

You don’t have a single top 100 parse in any phase of Classic and you’re trying to stalk people to log shame :skull:

You don’t have a top 5,000 parse in any phase and you only do normals lmfao.

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I don’t do any raids on this toon :skull:

You havent even broke top 500 in ANY phase of Classic and you are desperately trying to make alts to fish for information and log shame people LOL.

It’s because you don’t know how logs work.

For example my first Heroic Helion kill was rank 40 in the world but it eventually gets beaten, I just looked it’s ranked like 248 now.

There would be nothing to log shame you over, you don’t beat any hard bosses.

You’re literally in a normal mode guild.

You can toggle the phase to see what someone got IN THAT PHASE. You don’t have A SINGLE parse below 500 rank IN ALL OF CLASSIC, yet you are so salty that you take the effort to make level 1 alts on other servers to fish for people’s information. Touch some grass, shrimpy, because you certainly cant touch top 500 :skull:

You can clearly see my heroic halion is still ranked 248, it literally shows you that, it was rank 40 when I first got it lmfao.

Why we even debating this, you’re a nobody who is hard stuck on normal modes and you don’t know how logs work.

Also I have no idea what you’re talking about, you think I made a level 1 on your trash server to do what?? Ask your trash guild about your normal logs lmfao???

Make that make sense.

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lol, gj. You got 248 on a boss no one did :skull:. I stand corrected. You touched top 300 one time but still never hit top 100 IN ALL OF CLASSIC. Yet you are trying to log shame people. THE IRONY. THE HILARIOUS IRONY :skull:

Stop responding to trolls. Its a distraction.

What we need is some communication to understand the intent of the nerf. Given performance, a nerf is inappropriate. Having to skip trash dps to maximize boss dps is also not fun.

Fixed it for you

That’s what people were doing to stay in permanent eclipse before :skull:. Your eclipse state doesn’t reset on trash.

I’ll bite one last time.

Are you that ignorant that it’s better to stay at 80+ solar before a raid boss pull to optimize your dps? The logs you’be been posting have boomies doing that strat hitting solar after one starfire so you’re not helping yourself. So to me, not helping in trash fights is more degenerate than allowing masterykin.

And another thing, let’s say you’re right, boomies aren’t last. So what? You can stay in solar while questing and in heroics. The fact you can’t stay in solar while raiding is the only The thing inconsistent with what we can do today outside of raid and in original cata during raids. We did not have any blizzard communication when they PROMISED their would be no more stealth nerfs. That is uncalled for and we want the original cata experience.

I literally finish almost every raid tier in the 99th percentile lmfao.

You’re hiding for a reason my guy, it isn’t that hard to figure out and your guild logs are public.

You can deny raiding with them all you want youre in a normal raiding guild who can’t do a single heroic.

We aren’t even in the same league. You still don’t understand that rankings decay over time, I could of had top 50 parses but the parse that made them top 50 was beaten by the ICC buff weekly.

It’s why that Halion parse went from 40 to 248…Unless you looked at my parses when I originally got them you have no idea what they were initially.

Idk why you think I went to your server to parse shame a nobody? You’re literally a normal tier raider lmfao, that says enough.

I have been on the balance druid for 3 years raiding and it has been a lot of fun. Here is the real problem, you say we are a utility class which was fine for the previous 2 expansions, when our raid buff mattered, when innervate would really help out the healers, when that extra battle rez was able to save the day or that tranquility just at the right moment to help out the healers. The low to middle DPS compared to equal skill level players on another class really did not matter if you were playing the class for what it was capable to bring to the table in a raid setting. That utility that we used to bring is now a joke with all the changes, the DPS is just BAD. Taking away the Sunkin mechanic was just the final straw to kill the spec. Everyone talking about this parse or that parse, drinknblink is right, you are talking different raids / different skill levels / different kill times based on strength of guild. Anyone with a brain can see what happened. What do you think would have happened if in just 1 expansion all 3 mage specs were bad … never happened they can just respec every expansion and be somewhere at the top. This is because it is one of the most popular and most played classes. Devs don’t give a damn about a Balance Druid because there are so few that have been playing this class for a long time. Most will just re-roll a DK or chase a different high DPS class for this expansion and move on. Good luck to my fellow Boomkins, I hope you get something that fixes this. I doubt you will.

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There has been no dip in the performance of druids that play their class well. It’s a straight line with other dps that also play their class well. The spec isn’t dead. If you do low dps you just are’t playing it well. That’s the reality.

BM hunter has been my favorite class for nearly 20 years, I had to shelve him since LK and it looks like Boomy will be joining him. Why the hell does bliz keep ruining the classes I play?

Arcane mage dps isn’t great but their mobility makes them really fun atm…ok Bliz time to ruin Arcane mage, hurry up and bring it on so I can go find a different game to play…

they perform worse than boomies :skull:

Not in pvp, I own nearly everything.

Show me on the graph where boomies took a dip in performance compared to other classes.

Wrong link, I was a mediocre boomy player in LK and I always stayed well above the halfway mark in raids, so what happened?
