Moonkin not available to Guardian now?

Title- I’m looking for moonkin form in talents and it’s not there and it’s greyed out in spellbook. Am I missing something here or did blizz miss the mark?

Only Balance has Moonkin form currently (like it was originally).

sad times for minmaxers

I have no idea how Moonkin Form would help a Guardian Druid.

that’s A-OK.

Thank you for helping me find my answer. I appreciate it.

Moonkin form gives you the ability to get flap which lets you travel large distances in dungeons\world\Battle grounds as a bear tank. Really strong and cool in bgs, also saves you from mechanics that fly you up into the air\knock backs

Goes to show lots of people including the devs dont know all the tricks druids have or at least use to have now that they have absolutely gutted it.


I was about the ranged pulls tbqh, flap is certainly a good bonus, especially with Mists dungeon coming back

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I been very vocal about the removal Moonkin Form from other specs. I honestly hope they revert the decision. :sob:


Doesnt bear get moonfire next xpac?

now will need to use the charge and interrupt for those mechanics

I didn’t know that nurf was coming. State of the game I guess.

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Oh. I didn’t think of that. I have changed my mind on things. I was previously a fan of it being Balance and Restoration only, but it should be an option for all specs.


Disclaimer: I also think it is a bummer non-Balance can’t enter moonkin form.

That said, is it really just Flap for bear/cat specs? If they renamed Flap something like “Nature’s Autumn” (“fall”, get it?) and it just worked like mage’s Slow Fall (no Moonkin form required), would that satisfy the cat/bear folks? Or is there another good reason for entering this form in those specs?

I’m mainly Boomkin but I did get KSH as a bear in S2 and I never used moonkin form as Guardian once outside of Flap. Are there cool things I missed out on?


I would say mostly don’t worry about Moonkin form.
Yes, I want it, that’s why I noticed it’s been removed for this xpac and made this thread huffing the copium.
But the truth is, when subs get really low again, Blizz will re-add it either this xpac or the next and say “see, look, we listen to feedback!”
Usually near a 4th quarter of the year investment report.

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I used to use it everyday. Even without flap, moonkinn form + wild charge is great when getting knocked off platforms, or getting distance from high terrain (like kiting a pack down stairs). Even without flap the disengage acts as a safe way to fall really large heights.


Between flap, disengage, and additional ways I use it to start pulls and kite, blizz is removing things from the game that min/maxers use to their advantage that casual players don’t. Hence the tank/heal nurfs on top of Guardian nurfs, BDK nurfs, interupt/stop nurfs.
Sad times.


As if said in multiple threads, Beta Feedback, literally every way possible.

It needs to comeback, and I’ll continue to say this till the day they revert this insane decision to remove it for 3/4 specs.

As Resto I deeply hate not being able to be a Moonkin.

R.I.P Owlweaving, Gone but not forgotten


it’ll be back when they need to retain subs during the next mass exodus, don’t worry.


Let’s hope much sooner than later :pray:t4:. I surely do miss it as Resto.

R.I.P Owlweaving, Gone but not forgotten


Late to this conversation, but I am looking at Master Shapeshifter (PvP Talent for Guardian), and it mentions doing more damage in Moonkin Form… But I can’t go into Moonkin Form. I know they adjusted this for Resto Druid when they removed Moonkin Form from non-boomkins, but does that mean that Guardian’s version of the talent was just overlooked?