I don’t I hope they keep moonkin form just for balance druids.
Agreed it needs to come back for all specs. Even if you don’t use it for owlweaving or other game mechanics. Druid class fantasy is being a shapeshifter. Why would I not be able to access all forms depending on which role I am? Also, it’s just fun walking around as a big ol’ flamey chicken in between healing bosses. Fun detected. Must delete it.
I am of two minds. I like moonkin form being exclusive to Balance, but I also like the other specs having access to Flap and the additional caster damage for when they need to fire off Balance spells. Maybe they could do an aura buff and make Flap form-agnostic if they don’t want restoration to have moonkin form.
Why not make it so that Moonkin form is mostly cosmetic for non-balance spec users?
Balance gets a full power moonkin form with the armor and damage bonus.
Guardian gets a moonkin form with just the armor bonus. (…cause it makes sense, being the tank spec…)
Feral and Resto gets a moonkin form with no bonuses, only enabling the use of Flap.
(I miss my 'MURICA Moonkin form on my Guardian spec HM Tauren ;_; )
I like your comment, but it’s sad that our mindset has gone to negotiating and compromising because we are good people just trying to have fun in this worse iteration of WoW, and the modern devs are not particularly good at what they do, but are for some reason to0 egotistical to listen to or even acknowledge feedback, and making low iq decisions like removing moonkin form- a fun detected change that nobody asked for.