Moonkin form come home

Just for curiosity’s sake for the resto players out there (I’m a boomkin and I think the form should come back) –

if they baselined Starfire, then changed the Starfire node in the class tree to a choice node between these:

  • your wrath and starfire always hit like you’re in moonkin form
  • moonkin form

Which would you take? From the chatter I see on the forums, I think it’d be split? I think they opened pandora’s box a bit here and nothing short of a choice node is going to satisfy people.

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Class tree, bottom segment, middle column. New talent called Fluid Form. You would have had to have talented into it after pre-patch, they reset our talents when they changed up the tree.

Firstly you are dead wrong in your assumption, and literally a lot of the top keys completed if you followed it used Moonkin Form. Raid even takes a caster oriented profile too to a degree but you definitely wouldn’t have as much time like in M+.

So if the best Resto Druid parses used it and now are bad I don’t know what to say :man_shrugging:t4:. It was an insanely safer, most mechanics/mistakes where one shots, so a lot opted to be ranged. (Not saying all).

So yes I agree the average keys did use Cat Form, you had insanely more down time, and way more time to use Kittyweave to have a better dps output, but the higher the key, less time was available, the dps you’d use where caster spells.

Moonkin Form was important to Resto, not just though as a means of damage in high keys, it did so much more.

Utility, Armour, Polymorph Protection in PvP all while still be ranged, to actually a lot of players it was also enjoyment given. It needs to comeback.

Currently Resto now is so dull, it’s lost a core part of it to a lot of players who preferred it too, their was no reasoning to remove it. It’s literally part of being a Druid, Shapeshifting is what our class is about.

Although I agree with this, I find it insanely odd they removed this from Resto completely and made it Feral only, Adaptive Swarm was great for Resto and to me was our old Insect Swarm on steroids.

But in short Moonkin Form for Resto at minimum needs to return and I’ll continue to fight and argue for its return.

R.I.P Owlweaving, Gone but not forgotten


I have a guardian druid that’s still in moonkin form, cause I shifted into it before the patch that removed moonkin form from the class tree hit and the game didn’t shift me out after the patch. I am going to get my guardian druid to level 80 in moonkin form out of sheer unmitigated spite.

(…which means I can’t use tiger dash, stamp roar, any of my bear abilities, flight form, change talents, spend the 11 unused talent points I have, obtain hero talents…)

EDIT: I accidentally shifted into flight form out of reflex from playing my other guardian druids. I was level 73. :frowning:


Truly a martyr of the people!, never unshift!

There are so many reasons to revert this change, as outlined here and many other places. It makes no sense for the shape-shifting class to have less shape-shifting. I really really hope they fix this soon, among the other tree issues and such.

Maybe if it’s something so many players are upset by, they’ll have the sense to give it back. RIP boomkin form, we miss you.


Bumping because I’m not over it. I won’t get over it. Blizzard, hear us. WE WANT BOOMKIN FORM BACK PLEASE


Seriously it needs to return, playing as a caster oriented off dps has never been more visually dull and boring because of it, I love Resto Druid but they’ve really took a lot of enjoyment away, not to forget a lot of what Druids are about… shapeshifting.

Why they’ve kept Kittyweaving but completely removed Owlweaving is a decision I’ll never understand. I keep saying imagine when I use HotW or proc Call of the Elder Druid I’m a Moonkin blasting away healing.

They just need to make Tree of Life take priority in forms so when we Tree of Life or proc Reforestation we get stay as a tree heal and blast away, everything be great.

Moonkin form needs to return. I miss it so much.

I been playing Balance now more cause of the change but jeez it has so many problems on its own.

Please Blizzard bring back Moonkin Form at minimum for Resto.

R.I.P Owlweaving, gone but not forgotten

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thanks so much that worked! I don’t know how i missed that - so stoked you knew how to fix that, now i can fully enjoy war within! Much appreciated

The devs who made this clearly dont play a druid (and pvp).

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They could, but I have a feeling everyone here would still be complaining about the loss of memekin form. I am satisfied without it (though wouldn’t be upset if it returned as strictly cosmetic, like the Treant Form).

Your post needs more traction because this would be a great answer too. Though, they tend to manipulate functions and there would be further complaints that “If I take Moonkin Form, I have to take Fluid Form! Fix this tax!”

Hold on. What are you guys talking about my Druid is literally in boomkin form right now. I switched over to the spec to test stuff out on some training dummies. He’s literally an owl casting spells.


Moonkin has be made Balance spec exclusive, it’s now currently not available to the 3 other specs. So if your Balance you still can be Moonkin.

This change hit me hard, as now being a caster off dps as Resto, is dull and boring, they literally removed the visual flare, fantasy and enjoyment for me :sob:.

It seriously needs to return, I’m begging Blizzard to bring Moonkin form back.

Please Blizzard bring Moonkin form back for Resto

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I miss running around as a fat chicken on my feral druid :frowning: all forms should be available to all druids. No bonus effects etc is fine just having the form makes the class fantasy more fun.

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Opening up so many new classes to dracthyr, inherintly giving them glide while still giving us no fatbird to flap for slowfall feels even worse >.>


To be perfectly honest, I don’t miss Moonkin form, but I do miss Flap. I am seriously vexed they stole flap from me.

I do world content in Balance, generally, and I just KNOW I’m going to forget I don’t have flap anymore in resto and jump to a inglorious death.

I still have boomkin form so not sure WHAT you guys are talking about

Boomkin is spec exclusive now. Only balance Druids have it. Try going resto and swapping to boomkin form. You can’t.

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AH yes i get this now … sorry missed the messaging …

I too feel that the classes and specs are to linear BUT the changing of specs is easy compared to what it used to be…

I used to solo in cat form as it was the best energy use (vanillia and BC)

Boomkin was pretty clumbst at times with the spam one attack type then the other but it was okay…

I usually tank as my druid (good survivability BUT damage is way lower…

I did miss treeform when they took it away and honestly IT is very hard to solo in healing build as a druid …

I think all healing specs are like this now …

even in dungeon groups it seems healers are barely needed most times since most classes can either self heal or have big damage shields…

The days of WoW using the unholy trinity of classes for groups has been over a long time WHICH is why soloing is the norm not group dungeons for a long time

give us back moonkin form