Moonkin form come home

I’m just bumping this because I’m still grieving.


I dont understand why they removed it honestly; I think fluid form into boomkin as Resto would be tight


I been fighting for Moonkin Form to be reverted since the removal. I agree with you they made it so much easier to use it with Fluid Form, but hey it’s Balance only now…

I will continue to voice this, never going to stop, it needs to come back.

R.I.P Owlweaving, Gone but not forgotten


Wild Charge → Flap was one of my favorite movement techs in raids and dungeons when feral/resto, and Flap was so good for certain encounters that included fall damage.

Losing Moonkin form not only makes me sad for cosmetic reasons, but movement reasons as well. Honestly I don’t even see the reason they removed it EXCEPT to stop us from using flap in other specs. Either way, it’s incredibly depressing :frowning:


Yeah this, even if they removed the Convoke functionality and any damage buffs without being Balance spec. I just want flap back.

Or give us all Flap that temporarily turns us into a moonkin for the animation.


wait??? what??? what are all you guys talking about?? what is happening to my Booom chicken??? only reason i play druid( well a huge reason) if they take away My Boom Chicken

I think it breaks lore to not give each spec access to each form. Specs should enhance those specific forms but I love the ability to use each for specific reasons. As restor, Cat for speed, bear for tank, chicken for spell dmg. It feels so crucial and true to the class to jump between forms!

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Sadly, Moonkin Form has been removed from all specs but Balance, whoever thought this was such a great idea clearly has no knowledge whatsoever what enjoyment it brought to the Druid community.

As Resto I deeply want it back.


right?! i got the fancy fire form too!

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Hopefully one day Blizzard realises this huge mistake and wakes up, I been requesting this change be reverted all through Beta and on the Beta Forum, sadly it’s pretty much all I can do. :pensive:

Not only taking away from other specs. According to the class balance they almost take Moonkin away from Azeroth

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Druid is a mess unfortunately. I don’t think they had the time or knowledgeable staff to fix the class or spec trees. Makes me sad.

I think after all the negativity I’m sure they’ll address the class tree hopefully in the .5 patch leading to S2, it honestly does suck we gonna be like this all through season 1 but hey 100’s of posts of feedback, concerns from both US and EU players about Druids especially the Class Tree for silence and no changes…

Even multiple threads about the Moonkin Removal, it hasn’t sat well with the EU players either.

I guess time will tell, I’m still livid they removed Moonkin Form from Resto and pray it will come back.

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Blizzard at the very least needs to communicate with us why they removed moonkin form. I have a feeling that they didn’t have a good reason so they don’t want us bothering them about it, but not communicating with us is asking for us to bring it up constantly in every interaction they ever have with the community until the end of time.

I’m sick of the “we’re listening and being transparent” talk when they are as opaque as ever.

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I literally only played Boomy from early Cata til Shadowlands because of the form.

And I’d never let one of them balance druid who used the glyph to hide the boomkin form walk past me without letting them know they’re a coward and a fake.


I love moonkin and bummed to see they removed it from other forms of Druid, I had no idea. I like playing it sometimes, but as a Balance Druid, I’ve been confused because now everytime I cast wrath or starfire, I automatically change into the moonkin. I swear it didn’t use to do that. Is that because of this same change that happened to druids? Does anybody know if there is a way to turn off this auto shapeshift? I really love my Worgen Druid and I just don’t want to always auto turn into moonkin when I cast those abilities. I think its just a bit of over shapeshifting when I’m already shapeshifted into a Worgen haha. Please help and even though I don’t play resto or feral, I absolutely think they should still give you back the ability to have moonkin for all Druids according to the lore. Thanks for the help! really appreciate if someone has a fix for it. I couldn’t find anywhere else talking much about it. Have fun with War Within!

PS. Basically I would like to have the control of my shapeshifting back - tried looking through the skill tree for something that does but couldn’t find anything that controls it, but maybe I missed it?

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Okay, so, here is my most recent encounter we can add to the growing list of reasons of why Moonkin Form is a Root Nerve on the Spinal Cord of ALL Druids & a MUST have that is native to their shapeshifting spell books.
I did a Delve yesterday, Do yall know this one in Hallowfall? And the very first mob is two rather large purple gentleman, who, if you patrol over circles on the floor that, if unavoided, will give you a knock-back? Well, I positioned myself against a large rock wall to take on both of these fellows, hoping to avoid pulling any extra mobs from this unsavory ground effect. And guess what ? I got knocked backed and was indeed pushed, falling down to the level below the wooden platform I was fighting them on, and into a crevice from which I was now “stuck”.
I am no stranger to crevices in this game. (did I just type that?) and I have leaned how to get “unstuck” from just about nearly almost every nasty sticky crease and tight spot that doesn’t require having to use my hearthstone, Wild Charigng party member, or the use of my Swapblaster.
Seeing as this is a solo instance with an NPC, Brann wasn’t gonna comply with any of those Nor did any of my other “flap-like” toys work such as Gimmerfly or the Parasol.
I really started to be Jure as my Jorts that, Had I been able to Shapeshift into my Chickensuit and do 1 of two things:

  • Either position myself with my Back facing the direction of my escape, and use [Wild Charge] or [Flap],
  • Or the macro I have that uses them in that order as I press the Space Bar, I would have been able to get out of that nauseating crack-trap, and hover above it long enough to remove myself from it.

Either way, I truly feel had I been able to access Moonkin form from my action Bar, I would have not had to right click my character’s portrait, and select, “Leave Delve” and start over. It was an unnecessary stuck spot that could have been easily remedied and it occurred early on in a simple solo delve. So simple to resolve, right? I think it is Another example that the people at the top either truly knew what we could do with our class, and/or never really utilized all of the different benefits of what makes us druids & what we really are , no matter our specialization.

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I enjoy not having moonkin form as Resto. The extra global of shifting into moonkin form always felt clunky and got really annoying. Now I can just blast my spells and heal at the same time. Yes, I know this might be an unpopular opinion.

I am much more upset about the removal of adaptive swarm. That spell was so much fun both mechanically and visually. I loved how it impacted damage and healing and split and bounced around to targets. The visual was probably one of Restos best.


Losing Moonkin form has ruined so much fun for me as Guardian, going into Moonkin form for Wild Charge and/or Flap was a huge amount of fun and i used it anywhere i could. Nothing about it was strong or overpowered, it was just a lot of fun. Please bring it back :frowning:


Usually the only people i see complaining about this are bad resto druids. Previously the only reason to take boomkin was to act as filler going into sunfire plus it gave flap. For resto there was zero reason to ever use it over cat form with master shapeshifer in M+.

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