Moonguard - Horde Experience

Right it was Orphanmaker not Orphankiller.

Do you think that our demand for a level playing field, at least within reason, is part of the reason our RP scene is not as large as MG’s? Or are we just competing against a literal wow community-wide stigma that the average player sees MG as the RP server and forgets about the others?


I always saw WoW, especially after WOTLK as anything goes sort of RP. LOTRO and SWTOR are far better for lore-driven RP than WoW and highly recommend playing a character on one of those two. SWTOR has tons of men playing female lesbian characters with a *****; best to stay away from those guys!! Do that and SWTOR can be very enjoyable. Star Trek Online has RP but can be very hard to find being a Tuesday MMO.

I say this as someone who loves what SWTOR was, and still love to replay the class stories and enjoyed the leveling concept, that games lore and roleplay scene is not a thing I would want to casually walk into. The biggest roleplaying guilds are literal pyramid schemes that have requirements to recruit a set number of players before you can advance. The imp and Jedi ones also like each have their own emperor/council and they don’t acknowledge anyone else exists because of it. That’s saying nothing of all the master/apprentice things people use and abuse. And man the official lore is… well… very loose and no one has really used it since before KoTFE.

Take the house/nobility drama and people attempting to leverage stuff against others with rank and status we have in WoW and magnify it by like 1000. And boy talk about drama.

WoW’s had its ups and downs but those who are largely still here are the ones fairly invested in creating something worthwhile. And a lot of the folks here show how much things have changed and forums becoming a better place. And even if we don’t interact as much as we could, we do create a space for everyone to basically coexist and engage with others as we want.

I joined a Jedi guild on TOR back near the end of Legion. Was a horrible experience. I was quizzed OoC by the player of my character’s ‘master’ and was told that to become a Jedi Knight, I had to do a 3 hour VC test.

I will bang on this drum until the cancer takes me.


Just because the Lore may include something uncomfortable or wild doesn’t mean you should cram it in folk’s faces. It can certainly make for an interesting story line and compelling, flawed characters, but it can also cause distress, and you will never truly know who, behind some other screen, may be affected by it.

What you do in private RP is your own business, and you’re taking the responsibility of whatever happens there on yourself. Completed scenarios, dungeons and raids all offer private set-pieces if you so desire.

What you do in a public place where other people, RP or PvE or PvP, should always be done with an eye to how you’ll affect the people around you. You’d appreciate the courtesy of it happened to you …


I think that once a narrative gains traction (such as the tiresome “WRA for Horde, MG for Alliance”), it becomes maddeningly difficult to counteract the power of its echo in the ear of the average player who may be content with allowing the result of a single Google search to determine where they begin their investigation into the realm of WoW RP.

Regardless of where they begin, if they find what they’re looking for, then in my opinion there’s no harm done. I have zero doubts that there are good and enjoyable communities on MG Horde, just as I know the same exists for WRA Alliance.

But if the same person comes to feel that their experience is dissatisfying, I hope the option will always remain for them to try the other side of things. I will forever espouse the virtue of options in favor of any sort of server merges or mega guilds. To condense is to confine. The two servers (and the many guilds that exist within them) have developed, I believe, as a result of people seeking to create the sort of community they enjoy. And that’s a good thing.


I still maintain that it was XIV and Alliance having elves tbh.

Turns out the real reason to be against high elves was to keep Silvermoon alive. Not that I really blame anyone for defecting, given how true horde RP’ers treat elf RP’ers. Hell, I’m still here because I’m Illidari trash, and if I could roll this character blue, I probably would; she hates the Alliance slightly less than the Horde.

Still think it’s weird that blood elves for the Illidari would have seen Silvermoon betray them, march on the Black Temple hand-in-hand with the Orcs that butchered their people and burned their forests, and then go “Hm. I should join the Horde!”


Tbf it’s not that weird considering real world history. Alliances and allies can shift, even completely in the opposite direction. Plus it is Thrall’s Horde they joined, not the old one, which includes the Forsaken who not only are right on Quel’Thalas’ doorstep but who were, at the time, led by a Windrunner.

I also think people forget how Horde-coded the Blood Elves were in many ways. While they’ve lost that edge a bit with the rejuvenation of the Sunwell, they were not bastions of goodness, there were a lot more shades of grey going on especially in the TBC era

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I was speaking for blood elf demon hunters specifically; I understand why Silvermoon blood elves went that way in BC, but my Illidari here is a bitter second war vet without half the bonding with the Horde that my Silvermoon blood elves went through. Her experience with orcs was killing them in the second war, and then the fel orcs; she reasonably doesn’t have a high opinion of them.

Blood elves as a whole are definitely Horde-coded. Blood elf demon hunters, though, wouldn’t have all been lining up to join up with the people that killed their greatest hope at saving their people. Kai definitely has the feeling that the blood elves that followed Lor’themar basically are ungrateful children that didn’t realize that Illidan Was Going To Kill The Legion-- until the heroes of Azeroth rained on their parade. Add to that the bitterness of watching BFA go down and seeing Sylvanas loyalists get off much lighter than she did for the crime of trying to save her people and reality at large, and you’ve got a character that really does not have much sympathy for the Horde. It’s a specifically Illidari mindset, not so much a Blood Elf At Large mindset.

It’s part of why I don’t RP Kai as Horde per-se; my other blood elves, with the exception of my self-serving evil blood elf that’s only loyal to her family, are quite loyal to the Horde. It’s why if Silvermoon were on fire, she’d let it burn at this point. They should just be grateful she’s not dunking void elves in the sunwell. The punishment for the Illidari was extreme; years of solitary confinement, stuck in suspended animation, very likely conscious. It’s Not Pleasant, and it stands to reason that some demon hunters might still be angry about that.


Because game mechanics. That’s why. Blizz wanted demon hunters for both factions. They didn’t care about lore. Trying to subscribe to lore what is caused by game mechanics can be frustrating.


For me, this quote always puts things back into perspective.

“Have no fear of perfection - you’ll never reach it.” - Salvador Dali

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He only said that because I hadn’t been born yet.


““ People Who Say It Cannot Be Done Should Not Interrupt Those Who Are Doing It” -Rakham”


Well, I sure as heck will interrupt him if he can’t hold his coffee and it ends up dripping all over my breakfast.


The smelly title on my undead is server canon, they are in fact a very smelly undead. They’re also covered in bees.

If any of y’all disagree with me, please log out and delete your character!!


I pray the undead understand that bees are very valuable pollinators and should be left alone. Nature always finds a way to punish those that defile it.


Indeed, my deepest lore on them is that they died during BfA. Yet the Infinites intervened and brought them back because bees are valuable pollinators necessary for a healthy ecosystem and their super death would have meant the collapse of many bee populations across Azeroth. This is a timeline no one wants so now they’re back, spreading bees across the world but maybe accidentally antagonizing anyone allergic to bees.


I do appreciate the title “Trashmaster” but I was hoping “Absolute Trash” would’ve been a title because “Norman, Absolute Trash” would have been the only title I ever used.

Well put! I know now what I must do…

Time to open a brothel.


lolnonono, that wasn’t the takeaway here. :rofl: