Moonguard - Horde Experience

Takes a swig of coffee then leans back in his chair.

“Brothel. Now that’s an interesting word. It’s taken from the root word hotel and combined with the word broth. Ergo, we get brothel or, a place that serves various types of broth.”

Smiles, then takes another swig of coffee



What kind of coffee are you drinking there Hal?


I get it! Nice.

*Roused from his nap at the mention of brothels. *



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oh gods what have I done

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Earlier, someone wanted to open up a brothel. I, being the curious sort began to ponder the word brothel. I am now convinced that it is nothing more than a place that serves various, warm and hearty broths to wary travelers. Kind of like a soup kitchen.



Well… you’re not entirely wrong.

I’m still trying to work through the, why? I mean, why would anybody want to open up a soup kitchen-like establishment? Especially since we all have the ability to build a cooking fire and make our own tasty soups and broths.

Leans back in his chair with a vexed look and takes another swig of coffee.


Need to get this back on track. I don’t really see any issue with the Horde or Alliance experience here on WrA. We’re good. Cheers! :coffee:

I admit I too struggle with wondering about the various soup kitchens and story circles people run/attend.

I also just this morning learned about some quest where Tyrande wants you to pour drinks for her.

I would rather jab the stem of a broken champagne flute in her ear than pour her drinks. Ugh!

Is there anymore coffee?

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Welcome to Wyrmrest Accord.

We’re all mad here.


Tosses Rakham the skin of coffee then clears his throat.

“Great! Now I feel like singing again!”

“I… don’t want to drink my coffee like you do!”

“I… don’t need to spend my bronze, but still do!”


My god, another grand idea. We don’t set up in any one location, but rather do deliveries. The traveling brothel.



The Goon’N’Go

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right underneath,

'We come to -you!-"

Would there be a big top tent involved?

I was watching this thread purely for the drama entertainment, but instead y’all take the high road and diffuse an entire situation and a touchy high-tension topic. I don’t care what Moon Guard says about y’all- you’re alright.

Got any more of that coffee? Failing that, I’ll take a brothel instead.


hey WrA what’s the best new pokemon and why is it tatsugiri

Sprigatito is indeed the best new pokemon. Not only is it a kitten which is already the best kind of animal, but it is also made of grass. This means it can grow its own catnip as well as other herbal remedies. Just don’t let it stand up.

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The WrA forums like to broach touchy subjects, work them out a little while, then descend into mutual shenaniganry and nonsense. It’s fun. Also, welcome!


You’re in luck! I never go timerunning, or anywhere else for that matter, without having a sufficient supply of coffee!

Retrieves another skin of coffee from the bandolier draped over his left shoulder and tosses it to Yran.

Enjoy friend!


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