Moonguard - Horde Experience

Yeah, I hesitate to say it was Orc RP. I think that was just a handy excuse for malefactors to hide behind and take advantage of the server’s laissez-faire stance on IC views.

As was pointed out, this was a problem before and after Kor’kron RP in the form of Guard guilds–and most of those were in Stormwind. Basically, any guild or movement with “I have authority over others by virtue of being in this organization” as a central tenet should be viewed with suspicion.

But if an individual says it charismatically, well.


I have been enjoying trying to participate more in server rp events, if anyone has suggestions for WRA events that theyve enjoyed to let me know, or are interested in collaborating in creating events! Our guild is trying to start a biweekly bar, with one of four themes depending on its location (the bar opens between one of 4 locations and will have recommended organizations to reach out to depending on what someone wants done job wise examples: mercenary, cooks, staff, etc!) Im really excited to have our members soon be starting on this mini project, and i hope others are able to help/organize guild events/server events


This thread is a great example of why a full server merge would never work. Some people are just too turned off by what comes after a character name.

“This person is from moon guard? They must be an uptight jerk off that loves the idea of server canon and will force their beliefs on you.”

“This person is from wyrmrest? They aren’t a REAL RPer and shouldn’t be taken seriously.”

I can’t believe the Kor’kron RPers are still being brought up 11-12 years after the fact now. I think people learned enough from it that they didn’t let the Sylvanas loyalist stuff get out of hand.

People need to stop pretending that drama llamas make up 99% of roleplayers in this game. They are a very LOUD minority that ruin things for others. They can be ignored. They aren’t specific to one faction or server. And like Axiann said, the game has been better the last few years.

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That’s the Wyrmrest stereotype? I thought it was that we were elitists for not letting people RP Warrior Cats in our guilds.


I feel like it would be the opposite because I’ve seen a lot of zany characters over the years.

My mop remix mg horde experience has so far consisted of two interactions of note.

The first: a random person ooc complimented me on playing a Darkfallen.

The second: a Vulpera named after a certain antacid bit my character. So in return he ate the antacid and belched.

That’s pretty much been the highlights so far. Other than a noticeable lower population in the Shrine or out in the world.

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My MoP remix as MG horde experience is I am a hunter and got bug pets and named them DOG and someone /pet them. I also like to hang out in the Alliance shrine and just stink up the place because I’m a smelly undead (with the title smelly).


I too am playing a hunter with spoider pets. Who is also undead, the aforementioned Darkfallen.

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I had spiders (also named DOG) but I switched to silk worms because I think they’re cute

I love the bonespiders! They look very necro-undead themed without gameplay mechanics of being classified undead in regards to taming.

My two are named Nails and Teeth.

I was going to name them Trent and Alexis but I didn’t think it sounded quite right.

I like them too!! I got the ones with pink eyes because I think they’re cute :sparkling_heart:

I like the names Nails and Teeth, I’m bad with names which is why I default to DOG on all of them lol

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It’s like I spent all this time cultivating an atmosphere of catty, snide faux intellectualism for nothing!

I would definitely agree that when I’m on MG either horde or alliances WRA gets discussed in more snobby terms. MG can be far more serious, but tends to be what I’d describe as more free with the official lore in favor of their own. And they take it very seriously (which is not necessarily a bad thing). WRA in the ones I’ve been on for over the last two decades tend to stick to official stuff more (which blizzard does not always make easy) but there tends to be more fun in that. More of the downtime stuff, like the long running story circle, which i have always meant to get into. I also think part of this phenomenon is that WRA has a much bigger horde population and representation so there is more room for guilds to focus on those things, and I have seen MG horde more recently really work to branch out beyond just campaign after campaign.

I wouldn’t really say one flavor is better than the other, and god knows both servers have had their share of drama throughout the years. I tend to vibe more on WRA horde because I’ve found some really great folks and somewhat more chill vibes even when dealing with heavy plot stuff. But i also have MG alliance where I have found the same thing.


Naming your hunter pets DOG is kind of genius.

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This was some years back now, but this was the findings of scoping WrA/MG around the time my guild was looking to transfer:

Moon Guard

  • Alliance-dominated and SW-centric
  • There are COUNTLESS project and campaign-centered MG Discords
  • Server Lore is definitely A Thing but sometimes it’s big enough for you to pick and choose events (at your own peril)
  • The “brothel” in Goldshire brings a lot of non-server tourists and an overall ERP reputation
  • Anything-goes RP characters, including characters related to major Lore characters
  • Many scandals, recurring bad-faith actors, and rivalries, but it’s big enough to at least attempt to coexist with one another

Wyrmrest Accord

  • Horde-dominated, especially Org/Silvermoon; Alliance is smaller and more guild and location-based
  • WrA campaign Discords exist, but public event- or race-centric ones are more prevalent
  • Server Lore is rejected — each group seems to have their own timeline plus a “public” one, and they remain flexible about canonical events
  • No brothel (unless you count the upstairs of the Wayfarer’s Inn)
  • Public RP tends to adhere closer to Lore with the occasional exceptions
  • Many scandals, recurring bad-faith actors, and rivalries, but it’s big enough to at least attempt to coexist with one another

WrA Alliance is a little smaller thanks to Shadowlands, but we otherwise liked WrA more because there was more room for established groups to come in without having to adhere to hierarchies or perceived Server Lore. We could just be.


We are so particular about the lore, we frequently argue that it doesn’t exist.


well, we do have that mana cannon incident
and the kor’kron nonsense


You all successfully managed to conceal the evidence of that when we were scoping you out in 2021/2022. Topsail’s Kor’kron post was a fun history lesson.

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In my experience the closest thing to “Server Lore” WrA has is the Year and Helping Hands campaigns, and that’s really just a handful of guilds recognizing the continuity of a shared campaign they took part in than some kind of mandate to the whole server or something.


The only explanation for that is a very bad cup of coffee. It always happens if you don’t splurge on the good coffee.


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