Moonguard - Horde Experience

How do you get stalked in a video game? Is the player sending inappropriate messages or engaging in sexual harassment of sorts?

You’d be real surprised what lengths people go to on this game.
Or in any game in general I suppose.


The game, and these forums, have felt less toxic and negative the last few years, at least from where I’m standing.


Speaking as someone who watched it happen to a guild I rather enjoyed, the offending GM spent hours trying to circumvent a block, make new toons to message the woman he was after, and staying up for over 48 hours to try to harass this poor woman after she finally cut him off. He sent her images of dead animals to try to upset her, talked constantly about her to anyone who would listen, tried to get other people to harass her on his behalf, etc. etc.

It was really creepy.

Worth noting that at the time, the ignore feature was Per-Toon, not Per-Account, so it was really easy to just make alts to try to harass someone off the server/game.


On Ark Survival, all of my bases come equipped with a jail cell. No kidding. If someone pulls a fast one, I page the GM to drag their body into the cell while offline, and then I simply close the door with a posted sentence outside. May not really solve anything, per se’. It is just funny as hell and seems to be a good deterrent to anti-social gameplay. The player will typically not log in again. Maybe WoW can have a bounty system of sorts. Plenty of gankers rolling around for sure!

PvP for social justice is something I can get behind


The lengths some individuals go to harass someone is both surprising and not complimentary to the harasser or their psyche. I don’t want to list the ways I’ve seen it done in case it inspires some new maniac to make someone’s life miserable, but it’s something I’ve personally experienced as well as seen many times.

RP-PvP servers used to do this. I’m not sure if this is still standard, but if someone outed themselves as a jerk, RP bounties would go out and the target would be hunted down mercilessly sometimes for years. However, I’ve sometimes seen it used not for restorative justice but also for harassment, so it ultimately depends on who is pushing the bounty and their motives. It could create another level of toxicity in an RP environment that normal RP servers thankfully don’t have.


It’s kooky to pretend like everyone who acts like a jerk does so as a lone renegade agent. A lot of the server’s ugliest incidents happened with the okay (and sometimes the enthusiasm) of a large community behind it.

Kor’Kron RP got as bad as it did because jerks would act like jerks and hide behind it being “Orc RP” and most of the server just went along with that.


I’ve essentially become the Chris Pratt “and at this point I’m too afraid to ask” meme regarding WrA’s past Kor’Kron RP drama. I think I’m happier living in ignorant bliss since I already have a full wiki’s worth of decades-old RP drama from my old server in my head and I’m not eager to fill it up with new entries.

I once made the apparent colossal faux pas of ICly speaking to two groups that absolutely OOCly despised each other during a guild faire and was subsequently looped into some sort of batty conspiracy by a particularly paranoid individual who really could have touched grass that week. Still, caught between knowing and not-knowing, I consciously choose the latter. I don’t want to re-hash the RP high school drama life of 20-something GM me after living such a well-earned peace in my 30s. I respect past trauma, its impact on folks, and will not invalidate past experiences, but holy heck, don’t pull the uninvolved and unwilling into it. For my part, I have enough of my own past experiences to contend with from a decade ago on a separate server.


I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume this is a past server thing, but if not, the irony here is thick enough to chew.

was that guild on WRA or ED Enekie?

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I’ve never been on ED.

It wasn’t a specific guild (I feel like there were a few Kor’kron guilds?) so much as a general attitude. People were pretty permissive about what you could do in the name of RP for a while.

Yeahhhh, the distinction of IC and OOC I have seen be an issue. Usually i recommend for players who want to show the distinction is make sure even if a character rps mean, that positive things are being said OOC, to show that the behavior is not something that crosses the border of IC and OOC, BUT there are people who cant distinguish the two, which can prove bad

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I always felt the best part of the Kor’kron sht show was when it exploded after the trials and the worst of the worst tried to hide the fact that they had spent the entire xpac “IC” (wink!) obviously taking their OOC hatreds and biases out on others and thought they’d walk away and sleep it off at the Wyvern.

Eye-opening times.


The fun part was them immediately going Kaldorei expecting to do it all over again, got their :poop: wreckt, transfered to Dwarves, rinse and repeat, transferred back to Sin’dorei, got dragged, then went back to Alliance as Humans, dragged the Guard Guilds into the mud and only then realised people were following them on social media, Discord and the rest and finally they faded into the wind like the rancid farts they were.


is this a dr*ma thread or is it a normal thread

i resubbed ( -__- ) and, of course, i have to see how the world of warcraft wyrmrest accord forum peepo are doing

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Hello, this is the WoW Forums.

Yes… the answer to that question is always yes…


I know, right? People really aren’t even trying anymore.


The environment of MoP did support some scummy behavior. Basically you take Garrosh’s racism and the developing story of the expac and people use that to play characters who go ham in supporting him. The Kor’kron were the elites of the Horde’s forces, like the seventh legion, so to play a Kor’kron character was to represent martial prowess, political power, and license to be king dick of the universe if you shared Garrosh’s opinion that orcs were the superior race.

So, characters would pop up who went around telling others what to do and would get violent when folks mouthed off. There were a few public executions. Lots of fights that got taken OOC and hey you can’t cut my characters hand off like that. Then that turns into harassment and hard feelings. But I feel like I remember that being more of an end of the expac thing when there was an actual rebellion, and I didn’t even witness half of it since my guild at the time had decided to vacate Org, as we were rebels. Earlier in the expansion, there was just a lot of posturing. Maybe some bad stuff but off the beaten path, but Org as a hub was really active and had plenty of regular RP going on. Granted this was over a decade ago, but I was pretty active at the time so I don’t think I’m calling it too wrong.

The big fiasco was the trials, where all the hardcore Kor’kroners who had been doing evil stuff since day one were captured and made to stand for their sins. There were a lot of RP fights in the Barrens and around there. I recall one dude was literally named Orphankiller. Anyways most of them get captured or allow themselves to be captured and then they’re all on trial and the drama ensues. I think the final day had a prison break or something. It was one of those days in RP where you really need a game master to take control of the situation so RPers don’t have to worry about the trolls coming through and ruining what could have been a good end to the expansion, and the last chapter to a good era of RP.

So all told, Korkron RP was just an element of the age, at a time where tensions were high, the story was engaging, and there was a lot going on.


They need more horde on MG. I made a few hordes, woking on a remix character to help.

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