Moonguard - Horde Experience

Beating them kids while singing?

Also. Woohoo, I got my forum privileges back!


Did you work at it or did they just appear? Wonder if Axiann is gonna get his back soon!

I…uh. Probably spend an unhealthy amout of time shiftposting. So… yes to both, maybe?

I resubbed at the start of Remix so been lol’ing around GD alot. I guess I ground out enough forum rep to get my image cookie! :cookie:

As one of those, I’m not sure I’d say it was better…just that there was much more in the way of socializing? My childhood felt alive. I don’t feel like someone plugged in 24/7 will ever find that.

Computers were in their infancy when I was growing up and we certainly couldn’t afford one. I didn’t know anyone that had one.

My kids were definitely the computer generation but my ex-wife and I would kick them out of the house and off the games / computers to go touch grass. It was good for them to breathe fresh air and be physically active.

It’s good for people to take a break from being online 24/7. It just makes them healthier.

(*my opinions)


The internet was a mistake.

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Scrappy Doo was a mistake. It’s where everything in the universe went wrong.


The live-action Scooby-Doo movie was a Scrappy-Doo character assassination. But casting Matthew Lillard as Shaggy was pure brilliance.

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As someone who basically lives on the internet but also had the outdoor childhood experience, I honestly didn’t prefer the outdoor experience. It was ok, but I’d rather have been inside with a book than riding a bike anywhere. Occasional games outside were fine. I wasn’t the athletic type until high school and my parents didn’t go in for signing me up for softball or soccer or anything like that. I still like travel and camping on a somewhat limited basis (too much work at work lately). I’ve managed to get to New Orleans, Hilton Head, Outer Banks, Roanoke, the Black Hills, the Badlands and Yellowstone over the past few years. I almost made it to Alaska last year, but my schedule got borked so it’s a possibility for September if I get off my butt and schedule it.

Unplugging is fine. Not unplugging is fine. I feel like it’s up to the individual adult. As far as kids are concerned, most of them nowadays that I know are overscheduled. But they don’t sit on the computer 24/7 - that’s a fallacy the internet likes to popularize so boomers can talk about “kids today” and forget what they were like when they were kids.


Rakham is the ascended one of the forums!

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Behold, I am become!

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Great! Because it’s blatantly obvious that a humble dwarf cannot hold a kobold candle to a forsaken’s charisma. Now if y’all will excuse me I’m going to take down the cushion fort in my living room and go outside and walk barefoot through the cool grass.


Nature is healing, drama threads are returning to their natural habitat.


Obviously a fair statement that not everyone is into athletics. One of my daughters was and the other wasn’t. If I kicked her out of the house, she just sat outside drawing. That was fine. I just wanted her outside breathing fresh air. Both my sons were happy to go do things outside, usually beating each other up.

I would agree that it’s up to the individual and I would not have forced athletics or anything on my kids, but I did feel it was my job to make sure they were staying engaged. I hate to sound like such a boomer. Watching the internet come to life in real time was a legit crazy moment and looking back, it was easy to see how it could’ve sucked my kids right in.

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It is not enough to touch grass.

You must touch wasps.


No, Enekie. Bad.

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When I was a kid, me and the neighbourhood kids all got super into dynasty warriors one summer. One day my friend’s dad said to us, you all better be outside playing when I get back from the store. So my friend took an extension cord and we took the TV and playstation outside onto the front lawn and kept playing. When his Dad came home he just looked at us and shook his head in disappointment.

HA! Take that boomers!!


I hate that this is the most accurate thing I’ve ever read and has only been beneficial for my mental health.

I have gotten into reading books and I prefer to read them outside where there are fewer distractions. I have a hammock and some lounge chairs outside for this purpose. I make plans with people. I try to do things outside the house.

Of course, since I hate the cold, I only like to do this half the year, so I spend the other half in a fit of seasonal depression, but yanno.

A lot of my life I’ve had severe agoraphobia and social anxiety that made it impossible to do anything. I didn’t have friends, or really anything going on. And now, tomorrow, I set up a waterpark picnic with my friends. We’re gonna have a great time. The worst “ugh you told me so” is when you realize all the things said about recovery are right.


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Isn’t wasp like slang for something? Like cougars?

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No, unfortunately it means white anglosaxon Protestant

These damn white people, bein’ all Saxon and anglo.