MoonGuard disconnecting?

have spoken to >10 people who are experiencing the same issue as me.

will be trying to log into the game or just walking around doing whatever and just disconnect randomly.

it is not my internet connection or service provider having issues. and it is completely random.

it does not happen in dungeons/instances however.

anyone else know what is going on? and this has ONLY occurred since Diablo 4 release


Yep. Same issues here.

same, esp. when i first long in, 2-3 DC’s out of the blue

This is 7d old and counting, and has Blizzard response.

so possibly an addon that everyone has on moonguard? because its definitely not my connection since i have absolutely no problems with any other game that i have downloaded or played, ever

Nah, even when I have my addons turned off, I still get dc’d randomly sometimes

For me it’s often a minute or few after I log in and then I am good for the rest of the night. Also sometimes when I zone into an area I do not walk into. Something like zoning into LFR or taking a portal. And yes, it’s weird. I dislike it.

Goldshire has repercussions for the whole realm.

i suppose this is what we get for having a few degens

It comes and goes. I had it really bad for some a few non-consecutive days but only with some characters. However it’s a constant that I’m getting disconnected while on the character select screen a lot these days. Whether logging in freshly after starting the client or after logging out of a character.

Goldshire is the only reason the server isn’t dead.
Also, maybe it has to do with the Horde guild(that’s full of groomers) that raid it and mass report people to trigger automatic bans/silences every day.

It’s all the naughty stuff going on in the Goldshire Inn that’s causing it.

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Yep. Sometimes from character selection! Very annoying.

sargeras too

same here :frowning:

Divine punishment.
Too much degeneracy and messed up people in there. :smiling_imp:


A bustling Stormwind with way more people in it at any given time than Goldshire has disagrees.

Anyway, yes, people seem to be having a lot of problems staying connected lately. The linked Technical Support thread has a lot of good troubleshooting happening, I highly recommend that people who are having problems go there and follow the steps to provide info about the traceroutes between them and the servers.