Moon Guard have a good Horde presence?

Hello everyone I am looking for a place where I can actually RP as a horde character. I heard Wyrmrest Accord is the go to but I am yet to try it out. On my alliance characters I love MG. Goldshire is cancerous here, but seeing people RP out and about is wonderful and makes the world feel so much more alive if you will. I would love to find a place I can RP as a tauren or something while at the same time being able to find groups and do raids and actually play the damn game. Anyways does MG have a good Horde population and get into RP?


From my research, it has a growing and very friendly Horde population. Not as big as the Alliance one of course.


Oh honey. Get over here. We’ll get you a makeover - green of course - and introduce ya around, you know? So as you can ply your trade all with the traditional gratuity built in - naturally.

Check in with this group and get set up. See ya 'round, cutie. :heart_eyes:
Alliance to Horde Re-roll Support Group


As someone who rolled Horde for the first time very recently, I can say I have not had any issues finding RP even casual/walk-up. From reading guild adds, I see that a far few also raid and do PvP. There’s also a community in the game if guild isn’t your thing and with as friendly as I have found the Horde to be OOC also, I bet you won’t have too hard of a time finding people who are willing to get together for PvE things outside of guild specific only.

Kwixit already listed the wonderful Alliance to Horde thread/discord and I think if you poke your head in there, you will find it as wonderful as I do.

I would also take a quick peek at this thread and you will notice a fair share of fresh Alliance players now checking out Horde with positive feedback/personal experiences in it (myself included)

I strongly recommend checking things out!

Oh and not to spam you entirely BUT you did say Tauren and I know there’s a weekly public event hosted by The Stonewind Tribe - you will find a guild packed with Tauren of all kinds in it! (Any race welcome to the event itself!) Thread below if you want to casually swing by and check out things ^^


I enjoy my time on my Horde alts… some friendly folk out there! A good bit of RP to be found in Orgrimmar and in guilds.


Not sure about the rp, but for general playing I found it to be on the lighter side. There just wasn’t anything that suited us for guilds, and activity at night was really low.

No idea about the daytime stuff, I’d assume that’s the servers peak, but again it depends when you play.

The people I did meet seemed alright, although unless you’re in a guild it can be a tad lonely.

does MG have a good Horde population and get into RP?

I’m not gonna pretend it’s comparable to WrA, cause it isn’t. However, it’s improved and getting better all the time!

Now, excuse me while I do my MG Horde salespitch for a moment. :smiley:

I understand that not everyone wants to be involved in the “improvement phase” of things if they’re looking for a healthy population/easy walkup RP etc. right from the start, but it won’t get better unless people actually take the plunge. Trust me when I say that the community Hordeside is a welcoming and helpful bunch who are just as eager to RP as you are.

In addition to the link that @Kwixit posted above, the Unified Horde is also a great place to join if you use discord. You can find the post here:

Lastly, I’m in a later timezone than probably 99% of people on the server (as far as North American users go anyway), so I’m online earlier than most. Hit me up if you roll red and see me in game!


Thanks for the support here guys i decided to join the smaller but largely wonderful community of MG’s Horde. I am a huge fan of the Unified discord and have met a few RPers already and it’s great! I certainly hope we grom comparable to WrA but until then MG certainly has a new Tauren ready to get out there! Thank you again :slight_smile: And look for me in-game as Hurad the Tauren Warrior.


Not green but still a cutie.
Glad you are with us!


My next character is definitely going to be a goblin ;D


Don’t forget to say hi to your local deaders! They are friendlier than they look and love a chat! :heart::skull_and_crossbones::heart:

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You say that like it’s a bad thing.

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Oh man I understand the feeling so much. Probably like 80% of my characters are somewhere between levels 20 and 40 right now.

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A goblin can definitely be a main character! Seeing one decked out in raid gear is a rare sight, but they look fabulous! They really stand out as something different. (If you can put up with people patting you all the time.) With a good crowd, it’s much easier to stick to something.

Good luck with levelling your new Horde toons. Don’t forget that Tyrinade has starter packages if you’re new to the red side!


Omg lol I always pat goblins and gnomes :weary::joy:

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Hey pal! If you’re looking for some RP, Flashbang Exports is running a fully IC, leveling adventure open to all Horde races. All you have to be is level 20 to join and no more than 40 or so. It’s a bit of a treasure hunt, using the zone quests to enhance the experience. Gear grinding and leveling is secondary to the story.

For information, feel free to contact me in game or any member of Flashbang.

Search for the Golden Gob runs every Tuesday from 11am to 1pm realm time.


It would be a lie to say that MG has a huge/dominant Horde population, and it certainly isn’t known for it the same way WrA is.
But I do know that it’s definitely growing and super active because there’s tons of MG Horde projects right now! There’s even a few discords that are willing to help start you up with a new alt, if you’re into that sort of thing. :slight_smile:


MG Horde is like walking into Cheers. You know a lot of people’s names already and it feels like home almost. Plus the new faces that pop in and out all the time truly make it feel alive. Is it as busy as A-side? Nope. But you will never lack for RP especially during peak hours and if you get yourself in with a busy guild it will be even better!

I also promised links!

Here is the link to the Alliance to Horde Reroll Project:

There you will find a list of Moong Guard centric Discords to check out, guild listings, start package support, and a whole bunch of friendly people!

And here is the Unified Horde:

Another fantastic Discord filled with the majority of the server’s guilds representing the community at large! A great place to network as well and set up RP.

I hope this information helped and I am sorry your WRA thread was derailed as much as it was. Again I wish you the best of luck in your search!


Always good to have another Tauren in our mitts. Welcome to team red!


As someone who mains a horde character on WRA I will say that the horde side is very active, especially in the late afternoon to evenings.