Looking for something different? Perhaps an RP experience other than tavern walk-ups and random encounters? Well, Flashbang Exports has what you want.
"Search for the Golden Gob" is a fully immersive, RP leveling experience. Starting in Ratchet, players will meet once per week, leveling their character inside the WoW story as they search for the legendary Golden Gob.
Being a team of all Goblins, expect mayhem, madness and silly fun. Especially since they are warehouse workers who’ve never been allowed beyond the warehouse. Beyond rumor, everything is new to them.
We have three players already committed and want more Gobs! The more the merrier. What could be more exciting than a group of uninformed, poorly trained Goblins set loose on the world?
A paced leveling adventure
You are a weak, worthless, superstitious peon. That’s right, pal. A know-nothing mook without a copper’s chance of rising above warehouse duty. You push brooms, stack crates, bandage injuries, light candles with a wisp of magical power. Weak is a kind word for your abilities. Anyone who is somebody doesn’t know you, doesn’t care to know you and probably never will.
Until today, that is.
You and your pals have come across a palm-sized, weather-beaten, leather journal. It was tucked beneath a mat of straw inside a shipping crate; a crate destined for the firepits. While on break, your group read (those who can) about an amazing relic from Goblin legend: The Golden Gob. The schmuck who owned the journal was hot on its trail. It includes a description of the relic, a map without words and a series of riddles, clues and landmarks. After reading, nothing makes much sense. Well, the starting spot does: Ratchet.
Every Goblin has heard of that legendary town.
After a brief discussion, you decide that the book is a gift from the Great Goblin. You can be free from humdrummery. You can become great. You can make your mark and rise above the fetid cesspool of failure. All you must do is find the Golden Gob. Oh, and tell the Boss of your plans. That might be more dangerous.
Start level: 20+ (no higher than 40)
Start Location: Ratchet
Day/Time: Tuesday/11:00am Realm Time
Duration: Once per week - 2 hours per session
Minimum Number of Players: 3 (5 would be fabulous, more even better)
Addon Requirement: Dicemaster
Classes: All except Death Knights (until the group hits 55)(edited)
Day change: Wednesday to Tuesday
Number of players committed: 6 and 1 off-site supervisor.
Respond here, or via BT to jarington#1261