Moon Guard disconnection issues compendium

Whoa - lots to break down here (3 second interval was a bit intense), but this also fits the pattern if we dig into it:

Exiting the game to try and replicate DC

When “exit game” is pressed normally, the connection goes into TIME_WAIT state, because a FIN was sent from the computer.

Booted back to RECONNECT button on main screen

The session originating from has disappeared here, and only two sessions from above appear here - the connection from ↔ that then dropped in favor of 97.120, and the ↔ from the original “exit game”. An RST has been sent from either computer or server end - if a FIN had been sent from either end, should be in either “TIME_WAIT” or “CLOSE_WAIT”.

Logged back in, continued to play without getting disconnected well beyond me posting this

After this, we reconnect to, and life is good again with no disconnects.

This all points to a similar issue that’s being experienced - thank you very much for the help!

Edit to explain what I’m looking at:
TCP: This protocol relies on two-way conversations called sessions. Netstat shows the status of these sessions.
ESTABLISHED: At the time of running netstat, a conversation is actively occurring between computer and server.
FIN: In the conversation metaphor, this is one end of the conversation saying “good talking to you, hope we chat again soon” - a graceful end to the conversation.
TIME_WAIT: This status is the “hope we chat again soon” part of the conversation. The conversation is over and has been terminated by the computer, but the server is still listening in case the computer wants to say “oh hey, I forgot to mention”.
CLOSE_WAIT: The inverse of TIME_WAIT. The conversation is over and has been terminated by the server, but the computer is still listening in case the server wants to say “oh hey, I forgot to mention”.
RST: This is one end of the conversation saying “don’t talk to me or my son ever again”. The conversation forcibly ends, and no "oh hey, I forgot to mention"s are allowed to happen. Any new conversation would require both computer and server to re-establish a completely new conversation.


I’ll try to be more attentive, because it does seems I am having a lot of Dcding…But only on this realm since 2 weeks at least : /

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I’ve been having issues on MG since June 1st about and shortly after the launch of Diablo IV specifically. Some days I can have a couple hours before DCing while other times I can dc multiple times within 5 minutes. I’ve reinstalled the game twice along with all my addons. Still nothing. I’ve asked around to see if it was just me, but it seems to be impacting multiple people on MG. I don’t know the specifics of what might be going on, but I do know that since June 1, these disconnects have been frequent. Things were fine until that moment.


Hey guys, I found a “work around” that so far seems to be working for me to get out of the DC-loops.

Log in to a character that is not in any Dragonflight zone and see if that character “sticks”. If that character does not DC, log into your main character that is in a DF zone and see if they stick as well.

For me it’s logging in to any DF Zone that kicks me out immediately forever.

Hope that can help till this issue is fixed!

This does nothing for me…

MG player here. Connecting to will cause a disconnect within the first 1-2 minutes of loading in the first time. Exiting the game and relaunching I tried this 10 times and it disconnected me every time. Staying on after the initial disconnect I got 4 disconnects in 90 minutes.

I’ve played 8 hours over the last two days on with no disconnects.


This is definitely seeming like a trend. Really appreciate you coming forth with data, doubly so testing over such a long time period. Thank you - I’ve gone ahead and added your report into the top post.

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I think the “Dragonflight zone” bit might be a red herring. You may actually just be disconnecting until you hit the server, and it just so happens that it’s happening more often on times you log into your non-DF character.

There’s a pretty simple way we can test if this is what’s actually happening - could I ask you to log onto WoW, to the character select screen, wait a few seconds, then run this command? Ensure you run it before logging onto a character since if you disconnect before running it, it won’t display anything at all*.

netstat -n | find " 137.221" | find “3724” | find “ESTABLISHED”

Afterwards, try signing into a character (or just sit at the character select screen). If this theory’s correct, it should still kick you out of the game if you see:

TCP <#.#.#.#>:<#> ESTABLISHED

But you should not get kicked out of the game if you see:

TCP <#.#.#.#>:<#> ESTABLISHED

Let us know what you see!

*Also if this theory is correct, idling at the character select screen will disconnect you within about 5-10 minutes as well if you’re connected to

Count me in as another who is getting disconnected like crazy, also on Moon guard.
My issues also began at the start of the Diablo launch stuff.

Ugh…just let me do my morning AH grocery without dcding every 5mins T_T

So, this morning, I connected to, so I expected the usual disconnects. Oddly, they didn’t happen. I stayed connected, could switch characters, even sit at the character select screen for 15 minutes without being disconnected.

I (intentionally) logged off and reconnected and got 97.120 again. Once more, I was able to stay logged in, switch characters, etc successfully.

Obviously, this isn’t to refute anything (heck, I correlated it earlier), but just to note. Perhaps Blizzard did something on their end (tossed some alfalfa to the hamsters running that server, maybe)?

Just another data point. Would be curious if others have more luck today.


I attempted to replicate, but sadly, the second I switched characters, whack -

Then, and this is where my story gets particularly boring, idled at the character screen for a while, and eventually decided to log in. Listed auctions, logged out, and whack - The first packet’s different appearance is just a Wireshark display bug but is the same retransmit as the others.

Still though, definitely very interesting - please continue keeping an eye out for any weird behavior. Very glad the connection’s seeming more stable today for you, and fingers crossed that it stays that way.

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My wife and I have had constant disconnects, mostly in non instanced zones, though a few times in raid as well. Most of our guild has stop doing non instanced content because of the constant disconnects. Last raid night it took several minutes to summon everyone because they would get disconnected 30 seconds after connecting. Started around the time D4 came out.

This was the same for me yesterday night, I played on 2 characters, did a raid wing, then slowly my connection started to fall away, couldn’t join groups, couldn’t interact with Qustgivers, players started showing up as unknown, then back to 50% character selection load disconnect up till now


If you’re experiencing the same disconnects to the Moon Guard server, please attach a WinMTR per instructions, running the test to There’s certain ways information needs to be gathered and provided, whether or not we think the issue lies at that point, as it can still prove useful for troubleshooting.

Additionally, please add the address you’re connected to when you experience disconnects. You can find which address you’re connected to by connecting to the game (but before you disconnect!) and running the command:

netstat -n | find " 137.221" | find “3724” | find “ESTABLISHED”


C:\Windows\System32>netstat -n | find " 137.221" | find “3724” | find “ESTABLISHED”

I’m also on moon guard and I’m getting disconnected frequently


|                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |

|                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |


|                    -    1 |  615 |  614 |    0 |    1 |  177 |    1 |

|                   -   80 |  150 |   31 |    0 |    9 |   81 |    2 |

|                  -   76 |  147 |   36 |    0 | 2086 | 4880 | 3538 |

| -    1 |  615 |  614 |    4 |    6 |  166 |    6 |

| -    1 |  615 |  614 |    4 |    8 |  166 |    6 |

| -  100 |  126 |    1 |    0 |   16 |   16 |   16 |

| -    1 |  615 |  614 |   11 |   17 |  173 |   13 |

|                   No response from host -  100 |  126 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |

|                   No response from host -  100 |  126 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |

| -    1 |  615 |  614 |   55 |   58 |  261 |   56 |

| -    1 |  615 |  614 |   55 |   58 |  261 |   55 |

|                  -    1 |  615 |  614 |   55 |   58 |  247 |   57 |


   WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

I was connected to this    ESTABLISHED

You have an ISP issue. Call them. You have mad packet loss way before even getting to Blizzard.

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Heya Emiely,

So, the current running theory is that the disconnects are happening to either one server or the other. Each time you hit Moon Guard’s character select screen, you connect to either, or What we’d like to check is if one server or the other is capable of disconnecting. The easiest way to check is to run that same netstat command when you hit Moon Guard’s character list, then see if you disconnect during that play session.


its not an isp issue, its happening on moonguard. any other server I play on it doesn’t happen. if you have nothing but lies to share dont post


Just a casual reminder from one networking enthusiast to another (sometimes we forget the basics!) that TCP is a protocol designed around keeping connections working even in conditions involving packet loss. Therefore, 6 packets (on a Windows computer) need to be dropped in a span of seconds in order to cause a disconnect.

Of course, you looking at a WinMTR with an average latency of 58ms and one packet lost in a 10.25 minute test surely must realize that this basically represents an ideal WinMTR in a real-world scenario and doesn’t show any issues at all.

I’ll be adding this WinMTR to the index and collecting it in the first post later today (Happy Father’s Day, y’all) - thank you very much for the info, Emiely!