Monthly Tenders - us and eu region


I have a question about the 500 monthly tenders on which I couldnt find the answer myself. If I have two wow licenses on my Account, one for us and for eu, both with an active subscription and I claim on one of them the 500 monthly tender, will I be able to claim them in the other region too or not?

Thank you <3

Technically they are treated as separate, so I don’t see why you would not be able to. I don’t have an active EU license to test.


Ok, so a small Update. I looted the tenders on my us license and purchased there the Dark Rangers Kit and I actually couldnt loot the 500 tenders on EU but I got the Kit there aswell, so it either is an unintended thing or maybe it is intended? But somehow the purchase of the Transmog counted to my EU wow aswell, I dunno.