Monthly Subscription for Utilities

I did a cursory search of my old xcel bills, they probably added that on after they convinced the PUC they needed it :roll_eyes:

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Hey! I live in Idaho too! There are dozens of us.


Is english not your native language?

If it were a flat rate and I could use as much as I wanted for one fee. Sure, why not.

Your analogy attempt is pretty poor.

I think some people would save on a subscription model. More people living under 1 roof = uses more. Single people would for sure pay more, families though would probably save.

Where I live tons of homes now are multi-generational because people in their 30ā€™s can no longer afford to live on their own. Average rent for a 1 bedroom in my city is $1,700

So our hydro(what we call ā€œelectricā€) and gas are pretty expensive but since I as an adult pay my parents rent it balances out.

I am not even positive that single people would necessarily pay more. Iā€™d probably argue that people turn off unused electronics (or lights or whatever), or donā€™t drive more because they will be charged more. If the fee was the same regardless, I think even single people could game it. :slight_smile:

That made me chuckle. My ā€œmainā€ is a hunter. The entire time Iā€™ve had him he (now a she as I finally got tired of retching at the third person view of of my knuckle dragging troll) was bm. About two weeks ago I tried marksman and was shocked at how much fun it is.