Monthly Subscription for Utilities

Please don’t give Idaho Power any ideas, thanks.

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Oh I don’t pay. Any one who does is insane and most likely not a full time worker who adults.

Literally 14 cents for anybody with a discounted sub, lol.

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Plenty of substance just no critical thinking skills to understand cost for product.

Did you really make what is essentially the same thread twice for this?

On-topic, no, because paying a subscription for basic utilities is stupid, and completely different from paying a subscription to get access to a real/fake building.

Good for you, glad you found a way to make playing WoW feasible for you.

But that doesn’t change what I said. You buying WoW tokens for game time still implies you agree to spend X gold to get X amount of game time. Terms & exceptions that Blizzard brings forth still apply here.

Like others have said already, you can choose to take it or leave it if you have a problem with how Blizzard handles things on that front.

Should sue the OP for 14 cents in damages to my brain.


Well, so long as the point went completely over your head, we’re fine.

Either way, you signed the ToS which outlined what exactly you get with an active subscription, just like how you sign a contract with your power provider before you actually receive electricty. If you have a problem with that, vote with your… not buying WoW tokens, I guess.

You should really really look at your energy bill more closely. You’re almost certainly paying a connection fee, a transmission fee, etc. That’s in addition to the power you actually use. So what you’re really advocating is for blizz to start charging us playtime-hours on top of our connection fee. :roll_eyes:

As a consumer your duty is to make companies give you the best deals. Sorta seems like most don’t like to find good deals anymore. Just pay the company and shut up like a good lamb.


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If they became public utilities again, yes.

Cause everyone pays the same no matter if the play for a hour a week or fifty. So the lesser time player pays for the one who plays more. Understand?

Technically people on a budget play do pay a sub fee. I pay the same amount every month and when the year is up I either have a credit or a new amount is calculated for the next year. Super awesome since my adhd having butt knows every month to leave the right amount in my bank to cover it.

It’s the other way around actually. You have more time on your hands to grind gold to buy tokens. Those with jobs tend to pay for their subs with actual currency

Oooo, now that sounds neat-o

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I don’t grind. I play the AH and make enough each month. I usually make extra tokens and use them to buy OW skins.

No, because surely I would end up subsidizing wasteful losers…just like I already do with my health insurance (obese, smokers, other idiots with craptastic lifestyles). Socialism is only “awesome” for the leeches. Productive people who make good choices end up footing the bill for all the degenerates.

Don’t forget the “convivence” fee! :rofl:

My only “duty” as a consumer is to make (hopefully good) decisions on whether the product that companies offer is worth the price tag on it. It is still ultimately up to me to decide whether to go forward with a company or go elsewhere.

Companies and corporations aren’t obliged to give you deals. It is however in their best interest to keep pricing reasonable if they want to gain and retain customers.

oh, i understand what you’re trying to say, it just doesn’t make any sense