just as an update: month 7 still couldn’t get into Faire, however, found a workaround. party sync with a lower level friend got me in so i could do crafting quests.
Just a note; I am senior player who also suffers from arthritis and I generally only do world content. The last fight in the questline is a bit annoying but I did manage to complete it after getting some advice from other friends who played warlocks. You will unfortunately be locked out normally from DMF until you complete the questline - I was very annoyed at that myself but decided finally that I would give it one more go to see if I could do it. I made sure I had healthstones up, and some healings pots, and if you can take out the mobs and just say alive long enough to blast down the boss, you should make it. I’m a very average player and it did take a couple of attempts but I was annoyed at not being able to get into the Faire and decided to perservere. However I will never do it again, thats for sure.
Just asking a stupid question but has there been an attempt to enter the warlock phased DMF during a week off DMF’s monthly schedule? Most of these posts seems to coincide with the first whole week of the month.
Generally-speaking, if accepting a quest requires you to be in a phase in order to see the NPC to accept it, then abandoning said quest will not revert your phase. This is done in order to ensure you are not permanently locked out of being able to finish questlines.
GMs/CS may be saying the devs know it’s a bug, but it’s more likely that the devs have classed this as an oversight to adjust for (possibly with a solution such as allowing an NPC to toggle your Darkmoon phase as a warlock if you haven’t finished the questline).
My alliance warlock “Impozzible KCCO” is stuck, as I some months ago abandoned the warlock quest that sent us through Darkmoon fair and then onto blasted lands. I started to fight the boss but became frustrated and just gave up. I cant find the questgiver to pick up the quest again. Any ideas? I dont want to bother support if I can easily pick it up again.
have you talked to Assistant Phineas?
you said back in October that you’d tried all the workarounds listed on wowhead.
i guess you didn’t see the one about party-sync.
Will have to have a look and see later can’t get online right now
Assistant Phineas is not in either location that wohead says he can be found in Stormwind. So looks like I’ll have this hanging around for a while. Until I can get my friend to assist.
oh gosh. you caught me in a mistake. congratulations. ok. ok. i concede. yours is bigger. but then, being ‘bigger’ than a 75 year old woman isn’t really saying much is it.
Just an observation… but has anyone with this bug etc just abandoned the quest and then tried to enter the Faire?
Yes, I did - but if you do it after the stage of going to the alternate DMF, it seems that the Faire is set to that state and deleting the quest doesn’t change it back.
I had to go back and track down where I had got to in the questline, find the questgiver and start again. Once I did the final fight successfully, the Faire was reset to normal.
I did as well. My problem was, I abandoned it late in the questline. There was no way to retake anything. The Fel Faire has no NPCs at all now, and the questgiver doesn’t show up. Thanks for the thought though.
It wasn’t an attempt at a “gotcha”, it was just an observation that as usual, people who claim they have “tried everything”, actually haven’t.
not sure how your age is relevant to troubleshooting.
if it was a bug, it would have been addressed by now.
it’s just an intended mechanic which people don’t like.
If there is no way to regain the quest, then THAT would be a bug.
…but it’s probably just a case of finding where you left off.
Your caustic approach is a bit off putting and insulting. I am dealing with the same bug and it is annoying. And people can only try things of which they are aware or able to do.
If it is the quest with Banehollow you are looking for, the quest giver is in the Burning Steppes. Good luck if you decide to undertake this demon spawned quest from hell again.
Usually if you’re locked into the phase that means a few things
#1 you can go back to where the darkmoon carriage in town brings you to the faire and catch another ride.
#2 you can go back to the burning steps near the altar of storms and click on the gate near phel oman to return to the faire.
#3 you haven’t finished your lord banehollow soulstone quest and need to go to wowhead to look for which part you left off on using their listed macros.
Did you ever make your way through this quest chain?
Not sure if OP is still having issues, but at level 75 he went down pretty easy.
I’ll reiterate my question. Are people trying to do this question while DMF is live having this issue versus whether it is an off-week for DMF. DMF is coming on Sunday.
The issue this thread was initially created for was in relation to the warlock class quest phasing the darkmoon faire until completion, effectively locking you out of the faire if you were unable to kill the boss.