For the 3rd month now, I can’t get into the normal Faire. I never finished that Imp/Fel questline because I gave up trying to kill the final boss. Too many deaths, and more gold on repairs than it was worth since I rarely even use an imp. I have arthritis in my hands and I just can’t move fast enough to kill that guy so I abandoned the quest at the bad guy. But now, I can’t enter normal Faire.
The first month I submitted a bug report, thinking it would be taken care of by the following month. The next month I put in a ticket, but now it says I have no tickets pending. Now I’m trying this forum.
I don’t care about the Imp customization. I don’t care about the questline. Could y’all at least put in a TimeLord to change phase or something? I would really like to visit the Faire again someday.
Blizzard won’t respond to you here, so I would reopen a ticket once again and ask for help. But it’s good you shared your problem in the forums so others may be able to figure out why they’re having a similar issue.
hi, thanks for the suggestion. i kinda figured they wouldn’t respond but thought if i put it out in public they might notice there is a problem. and yeah, like you said, others might have the same sort of issue. off to make another ticket now.
Just, FYI. Response from my ticket. There is nothing they can do to fix it presently. Suggested I put in a bug report. So, i’ve put in ANOTHER bug report.
thanks, but in the last 3 months, i’ve done all the suggestions, some a couple of times trying to fix the phasing. Support response told me they didn’t currently have a fix and that they’d heard the problem exists. they consider it a bug, not something support can do anything about. thus, bug report.
I am in same boat. I went to turn in 103 darkmoon decks to finish the insane feat…mlast thing I need to do and I am locked out of DMF. The phased I am stuck in I can see the dog, but can not enter arena to fight it. Locked out of regular DMF, locked in a phase where there are no NPCs.
I plan to quickly level and gear an alt lock and see if this resolves the issue.
Month 4 and still no resolution. I am still unable to enter normal Darkmoon Faire. So that’s 4 months I have been unable to get the 5point crafting bonuses. Just FYI, i am NOT closing the ticket. Bliz marked it “Answered” because they said it’s a bug and Support can’t fix it, but if I close the ticket they can put in in their Resolved column. It ain’t resolved.
Awarlocke, you shouldn’t have a problem with the alt. It won’t have access to the Fel Imp questline that caused this mess.
edited at Month 6. Still no go. I think the problem may be that they don’t have enough personnel to fix all the problems and ones like this are low, very low, priority. It looks like my only option is going to be delete one of my oldest and favorite alts, start over from scratch and NEVER take another “special” quest.
Has anyone tried getting another warlock and person to summon them to the DMF? Not that it should be necessary to fix this, but might be a workaround to help those who can’t get there otherwise.
I have had the same issue… the quest “line” is awful. And cannot complete no matter what I do. Try to get my alt Warlock out to play and is stuck in this vacuum. Bad form WOW. Really toxic lack of development.
Nobully, if you’ll notice, i have done all that. i have done tickets and bug reports. Support specifially has said TWICE they cannot fix this so do know it’s broken. they know there is a problem but it is not something they can fix. they said it’s a bug, need to do a bug report. The ticket is “answered” not resolved. Thank you for your suggestion.
Forisal, uh. no. hadn’t tried that. that’s an idea that might work, as you say, a workaround. at least to get to the regular faire.
If having a quest in your log causes the zone it’s in to be phased, then dumping the quest should undo that phasing. The fact that it doesn’t is in fact a bug.
You’re not a dev and have no business sitting there telling these players it’s not a bug when it’s been acknowledged as one, the issue here is that GMs aren’t given access to adjust quest and phase flags against characters, completely nullifying the support they can give in these circumstances, and the dev team are either super busy and don’t care to address these niche issues or just don’t care? Who knows.
Khazzul, thank you for trying to intervene here, but as this person has made the same statement previously and I responded to him previously. I’m thinking this is a person with no dog in the race but keeps insisting it’s our personal dog that won’t hunt.
Nobully, (actually, I think you may be a bully). I am not the only one with the problem. As has been said, Support HAS acknowledged that they have multiple reports of the this problem. You could also look at the Warlock forum to see others have had the same or similar problems with this special quest line.
Though, just out of curiosity, WHEN did I ever say I accepted the quest a second time? I did not. And how would I have anyway? This was only offered that first month and then it was gone. And btw, what exactly are the 3 buttons I should be pressing that will magically fix this issue?