Monks and the new Expansion

I was wondering if anyone is playing their monk at all? I in the last week have been looking at the groups I find myself near or in and there are no monks. Are they in a bad place this expansion? I was thinking about picking up my brewskie and playing him but now I just do not know.

Monks and rogues are rare these days.

Monks, WW and Brew are both considered dead last on tier lists.


I play this monk. My horde one is just at lvl 80. I hve just accepted that monk is trash right now and i carry on doing what i feel like.


monk player representing the monkhood

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yyeah sadly monks are in a weird spot right now, ww got a half-Rework in my opionion after the rework on the beta blizz didnt care enough to balance it properly and i guess since we have the lowest player base well they don’t care at all

BrM is pretty good in raid, i dont play it myself but i heard in the forums that is so hard to stay alive due to the spikes in damage in m+ being mastery one of your tools to survive in packs but having a high diminish return and stacking it seems bad

WW while his dps is decent, in high keys tanks usually do big pulls where most dps can hit 5~9mil, and there’s no way a ww can even reach 5mil his toolkit doesnt allow it, in the ST department, is once again not the worst, but almost, since Xuen right now feels like it deals no damage at all, and every tier list (mythicstats, archon, wowhead, icy-veins) have WW in the last or almost last spot, having the community look at it like is a garbo spec no worth inviting to their m+ runs

on the other hand MW, is pretty good, sadly you don’t bring any special ultity like every other healer, also is quite fun to play MW right now

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MW monk is kinda there, but the other 2 specs for monks are like gone, but monk as a class has had less representation than other classes for a while.


You have the lowest player base because you are trash, you are trash because you have the lowest player base.

I’ve been trying to use monk for like 3 expansions now and it’s just not worth it, they are never in a good spot and Blizzard don’t care or probably even know what to do with them.

Both WW and BrM have weird rotations and just don’t gel like other classes do and something needs to be done, being last or close to lase in /played time, DPS and tank survivability for this many years is quite sad.


Take engineering get bres, and you also have a physical debuff that no other classes bring. Most of what a monk offers is cc/kicks/mob control (Prevent dmg before it even happens) combined with HPS and higher healer dmg.

Plus this might be a little biased, but punching enemies to heal allies is hilarious imo

Hard disagree. WW is awesome fun. Although they do need to being back our dashing tiger palm. Things are sadder without it.

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And the latest changes made to MW are great, you can run low level content and do nothing but a DPS rotation, you don’t even need Jadefire anymore, it’s fun and I really like playing MW, too bad BrM and WW are bad compared to, everything.

Yeh but that doesn’t take away from the fact WWs rotation and spells just don’t gel like everyone else.


I just don’t know what you mean by that, honestly. What’s the difference between a rotation gelling and a rotation being fun?

Mistweaver is in a good spot in pvp atm, but pve wise all monk specs are on the lower end.

Also adding my monk in the represent :3

OK so fury warrior pops avatar and whirlwind, we can now DPS on an ST rotation and the next 4 spells hit an additional target, after we use 4 charges we just, whirlwind again, or thunderclap, or Odyn’s Fury, all work the same.

Demo locks can build up their soul shards, pop Gul’Dan, go into ST rotation, use dreadwalkers when it is available, imp implosion when enemies are about to die.

Outlaw rogues pop whatever their AOE spell is called and continue to do an ST rotation.

BM just pops cobra shot or multi-shot, does yes, another ST rotation.

And so on and so forth.

Now, WW gets all their DPS from Storm, Earth and Fire and Xuen, outside these you do minimal damage, so you need to take Fury of Xuen alongside maximising Mark of the Crane. But there in is the issue, Mark of the Crane needs you to apply debuffs to as many enemies as you can so your SCK can be most effective, you constantly need to target swap and use TP, BoK and RSK on as many enemies as you can, while not using the same spell twice so you can build Combo Strike stacks.

Once you think you have enough Crane stacks you use SCK, if you are low on stacks your DPS is low, if you try to build too many stacks the enemies die before you get your spell off, you either waste time building Crane stacks, or don’t build enough.

Same with Combo Strikes, at what % do you pop FoF and try to invoke a free Xuen? Too many stacks and you are wasting potential Xuen procs, not enough and you now have to wait for FoF to go off CD. Pop SCK or FoF at the wrong time and the enemies could very well die mid cast, try to save Combo stacks for the next pack and you could end up losing them.

Convoluted, horrible rotation compared to, well, anyone really.

Mistweavers are wonderful right now.

Brewmaster checking in, I hit 2700 and stopped pushing rating about a month ago. Monks need some love, but these days it’s protected pally or no invite for 12s and up

still monking. its better than dragonflight imo, but still needs work.

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i like how it plays. would like a bit more dam tho

maybe lust/hero too, why not

It’s different that’s for sure, and fun, but to play it optimally it’s way too involved and that’s part of the problem and why WW does less damage, you are not playing it optimally.


You talking to me?