But… but… think of the children.
I’m curious to see what happens with the legendaries in season 4. If they don’t upgrade then you screw over the people that have only had it a few weeks and spent all the money to upgrade it. If they do upgrade then you’re screwing over all the people that didn’t get lucky and see it drop.
I really hope they go back to MoP cloak style legendaries.
On the other hand, assuming the embers bad luck protection rolls over into S4 they’ll be even more likely to get it.
monkey paw is when i don’t get a thing i want. oddly enough, that’s also the definition of “gatekeeping”, “toxic”, and “gaslighting”. why so many synonyms for one concept? very odd.
In other words: Wowhead sensationalism again to rile people up.
fyralath is the worst looking legendary of all time
If you want to lose more subs, this is a good way to cause people to leave in mass.
You think people are going to leave in mass because the 1 million+ gold legendary potentially has less bad luck protection in LFR? Fancy.
It’s the “LFR and Normal scrubs need not apply” bit that’s gross. Not all of us can do Heroic or Mythic raiding. Since the axes that drop in LFR or Normal are of course lower levels than the axes that drop in Heroic or Mythic* there’s no reason to make drop rates different, other than a lack of any respect for their players who can only raid at lower levels.
*I might be wrong about this? If I am then I guess my whole opinion on this is flawed.
As a certified LFR raider, I don’t really see it that way
Harder difficulty brings better rewards. That’s the way its always been, and always should be. The drop chance still goes up as you complete lower difficulties, just not as quickly. I think that’s fine.
Are you sure? I haven’t found anything saying that the ilvls are different based on what difficulty you got it from
Actually now I’m not. I think I was looking at the wrong axe in the Adventure Guide.
Yeah, and at least in my opinion, getting a 496 ilvl legendary axe from LFR/normal should be a pretty rare occurrence.
That seems fine. Generous, even. It’s a legendary!
Do LFR raiders need the axe though? Does it REALLY matter all that much?
Would it be neat if I had it? Sure it would. Do I absolutley need it for the content I’m doing? Not at all.
I only have nine Heroic Fyrakk kills as of this week on this Warrior since I started the season on my (since deleted) Augmentation Evoker. I’ll run the script in that Wowhead article to see how many Lesser Embers I’ve looted so far to see roughly where I’ll be at for next week. Unfortunately I am kind of tapped out for the season, but at least it seems like I should have it for Season 4.
Assuming these guesstimates are accurate, of course…
The other part of this question, and I apologize to the LFR only players for saying this…but even if they did get it, how many of them would be skilled enough to complete the scenario at the end? I’ve heard its not easy.
For example:
Blizzard is playing with fire here. This hotfix didn’t do anything for those who don’t do heroic or just killed Fyrakk for the first time on heroic. Most of us just wasted our time doing normal just get dumb quest it. Everyone should have the right be piss because there’s no point on farming this axe and Blizzard may suffer repercussion because of their stubbornness.
Isn’t the ilvl of the same regardless of the soure? In that case, I think it is fine that it could take a long, long, long time to get a 492 ilvl weapon solely from LFR.