Monk or Demon Hunter? Help me decide!

Hey all! Returning player looking to switch up classes. This time it’s a choice between Monk and Demon Hunter.

I remember enjoying the fluidity and simplicity of Havoc DH back during Legion, but I’ve also wanted to give WW Monk a fair shot since I haven’t really touched it since MoP. Mobility is a big reason for picking either. Both come with the benefit of tanking or even MW healing if I feel like it.

So which do you guys prefer and why? Anything from gameplay mechanics to class fantasy is up for discussion.

Really looking forward to hearing your input. Thanks!

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Demon hunter is my choice. Stupid easy and fun to play both tank and dps. Plus its soo fun to double jump and glide vs rolling around on a monk. As I only tank on a monk and i can say DH by far is smoother to play. Monk still feels clunky to me.

Play Havoc. You’ll be disappointed by WW’s lack of ST dmg.

I personally prefer Demon Hunter.

The monk just feels so slow and squishy. Monk doesn’t do enough damage at once for me, I like to kill stuff quickly and move on to the next thing. I just find monk a bit boring.

I have an idea for you, why don’t you make some trial characters of both classes, so that you can see how they operate for yourself at a higher level. It will give you a different perspective in seeing what it is you like to play. Once you decide, just delete the trial characters, and make a new character for yourself.

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Honestly, it’s easier to say what I’m not a fan of. Never been big on Pandaren or Draenei, and I can’t say I’m big on Void Elves in particular. Everything else is fair game.

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I lean towards Demon Hunter.

There is a particular playstyle at the moment, which while is not optimal is incredibly fun and powerful at the same time.

Go night fae with burning would legendary. You get so many empowered fel rushes and appears to be quite strong in M+. :smiley:

Ha! A great suggestion that I’ve already taken to heart! I’ve played both a bit over the last couple days, and I definitely find myself enjoying the simplicity of Havoc. With that said, I do enjoy Monk thematically quite a bit, to the point where I’m even using fist weapons on my DH at the moment.

Really, I wanted to ask you all for your input to see what sells these classes for you. It’s fun to get other perspectives.


Monk. The novelty of DH really wears off after awhile. Windwalker and brewmaster are always fun, have a bit more depth to them and both are very good right now.

Mistweaver is kind of the one they don’t know what they are doing with usually, but hey, at least you have the option.


I find monk the 2nd most boring class in Shadowlands. Which is sad, I enjoyed monk in the past. It’s just been getting more and more bleh.

I’m enjoying DH though, which is weird cause I found it meh before.

I love the whole martial arts theme, and didn’t think anything could persuade me from my Windwalker … until I tried Demon Hunter. I find the animations much more impressive, I love double-jump and glide (in fact, after the second time I was contemplating how to best get down into a valley as a WW, and a DH nonchalantly sailed past me, that’s when I said to myself, ‘I want that’). I also prefer DH lore: I’m very drawn to tragic heroism.

Special note: I never liked Brewmaster, never liked the “drunken master” idea. I just did not find Brewmaster “martial-artsy”. Period.


Ditto. Wanted to like it, but stopped because of this.

Play a Monk. Neither faction needs more elves.


Monk, easily.

DH if you are toddler or younger.


In fact, we could use a purge of Elves.

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I love Monks so I’m biased but here are my thoughts.

Brewmasters have historically been A Tier Tanks just because of the Stagger mechanic and are fairly simple to play.

Windwalkers always seem to be on a Roller Coaster in terms of balance and it’s no different currently. Right now they’re A Tier for M+ and all over the place in Sepulcher. They’re godlike for AoE when CD’s are up and F Tier for Single Target.

They have a heal spec unlike DH which is a win but Blizz hasn’t figured out what to do with them since the end of MoP and I’m worried that will continue with a new Heal Spec coming into the game. They can pump out huge HPS numbers but have little else to offer for Utility that isn’t also brought by a Brewmaster/Windwalker.

DH still have a stigma attached to them if that matters and Monks are the lowest played Class if that matters as well.

Monks need an update in animations to really showcase their strengths and skills as a martial arts class because they way they play and look right now is not it (although I still like them)

Other than stagger, a Brewmaster’s main mitgation is actually dodge! Imagine if they animated all the cool moves a Brewmaster monk actually performs in combat, like in the MoP cinematic. Imagine if Rising Sun Kick had force behind it, imagine if Leg Sweep was more than just a ballerina twirl.

They won’t update the animations though because monks aren’t played enough to have any effort put into them.


That would make quite a difference.

Although it’s a minor attribute, I like when ‘dodge’ increases on my DH (I like to imagine all the zip-zap-zip a DH does in Blade Dance is that mechanic).

Monk feeling clunky is a big part of why I asked for input. I’ve tried it on and off over the years, but something always feels a bit off. DH never gave me that same impression. It might be more of a me problem, but something about clones, Xuen, and a few little things throws me off.

What the :joy::joy: