Monk damage lawl

Ah…I see the problem. You’re not complaining about Rogues in PvP.

Oh, and, of course, nerf DH.

46k hp on 32% vers in an INTERRUPT is not okay dude. That would be a minimum of 3 dark souled chaos bolts from a warlock. That isn’t skill. That isn’t outplaying. That’s bad, dumb mechanics.

Oh yeah, and it’s on a ONE MINUTE cool down. That’s stupid.

Seriously??? What are you smoking?

Rogues don’t bother me much. Their damage is largely telegraphed. I can always just use a defensive on a kidney and cc/spell lock their partner.

I never understand what you’re trying to say but you always make me smile.


Gear being pointless is good. Gear is anti-PVP. Players should win the fight, not gear. Find another way to show progression.

A lot of people champion gear changes. I’m not sure hear changes really need to happen. What needs to happen is damage needs to be scaled back in a big way. If I got hit for 46k at 32% verse, how is a fresh 60 with 20% going to fare? I sincerely believe many of our issues are coming from absurd burst.

I have a warrior that I got to 1400 in 3s last season, so he’s at like 26% vers and 33k hp. If I do a skirmish, I’m dead before I can blink.

You go into pvp thinking its going to be good only to realize wow is a pve game where the devs don’t know how or care to balance pvp, and dumb streamers get them to remove stat template and ask for gear to be gear and we end up with this

Is the gist of it

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Thank you. My ibuprofen hasn’t kicked in yet.

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  1. I think the solution to the current problem is to remove the rating barriers on gear. If better players want to get gear more quickly - fine. But between the boosts, and the Average Team Rating manipulation, and the imbalances, it just doesn’t make sense.

  2. They don’t want long games. So I doubt they’ll reduce damage.

Your warlocks item level is 224 and your wearing combatant gear

You most likely faced against someone with 240+ item level and wonder why you got globaled

Nothing to see here folks this was more of a gear disadvantage

What needs to happen is for your 1400 warrior to have the same conquest gear as that 1800 monk

Conquest should be one ilvl, not ranging from 233 to 259. Higher rating should allow faster conquest acquisition, and by midway through the season everyone should be getting close to being on the same footing

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Did we ever get clarification on this?


Monks existed in Burning Crusade expansion???

Ummm… monks weren’t in TBC.

Do you honestly believe that a slight increase in gear would lead to substantially less damage? Ok, he hits me for 28k instead of 30k. Dude, still nuts.

You guys are silly you know I meant people one two shot all thru wow hopefully your playing the lucky spec. Scaling is the problem welcome to pvp were you have no chance with no gear no scaling means keep up or be crap but these awesome streamers and many wow players wanted it gone it was put in for a reason wow blizz actually did something right but crybabies wanted gone and you sit with wtb pvp Carrie’s shadowlands.

that 1 min CD would have also included every other CD, monks cram their damage they are a heavy burst class. There could be upto 5 CDs popped before that moment.

PvP is in the lowest worse its ever been…casuals cant catch up and pros know its trash and are dipping out.
Its been ignored and neglected so long hell I habent even looked at BGs this entire expansion so far not even once.

No way that was 2 globals.