Monk damage lawl

I just got hit for 30k in 2 globals on my lock. 32% vers. What is this crap?!

rising sun kick 5217
rising sun kick 6311
rising sun kick 6271
bonedust brew 3157
bonedust brew 6007
bonedust brew 973
Spinning crane kick 1922
Spinning crank kick 1796


This game blows lol


Right? This wasn’t even in a stun. I used fear to bait a kick and died before a chaos bolt could even finish casting. Like wtf.


Nah the game just sucks overall #BringBackWoDPvP


lol u go in pvp say it gonna be good , sory no this WOW game of dungen quest , some resin the WOW dev dont no how do a PVP STAT TAMPLART , dum stramer say on then remove stat templart how bout u DONT there GOOD of PVP !


Yo I just thought of something

Since Blizz did the stat squish and we don’t have monstrous amounts of health now, nor do we have our wonderful MoP level of class design, wouldn’t it make sense to bring back resil?

Don’t need it have a set of PvP gear that scales in world PvP and instances PvP they had the system in place and got rid of it in legion who knows why

You know, people hated templates? Of course not everyone, since you obviously didn’t, but there’s plenty of threads around the internet calling for the removal of templates because
‘it makes gear pointless’
‘no customization of your stats’
‘gaming it (wearing high ilvl greys)’

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In WoD I didn’t do one dungeon or raid but I had 4 alts with 710 ilvl maxed PvP gear with glyphs and enchants completely casual doing only rbgs. My arena skills are abysmal but that was the most fun and last time I enjoyed the game. Gearing wasn’t hard and I didn’t have to touch pve to do it.


Nothing new they one shot in tbc to right now just like now 1 2 shot. If you get lucky playing right spec have fun.

They one shot in TBC? Monks? Monks one shot in TBC?


The end if you get lucky playing the right spec have fun. Just like pallies talking in here they were wrecking in sl to.

That’s multiple cooldowns, right there. Storm Earth & Fire for one, and Bonedust Brew for another.


I agree nerf dh

Also don’t forget built in mortal wounds on the RSK

pvp in this game is trash and they don’t care to fix it. I’m baffled they still have “Arena world championships” smh.


“bRo tHiS hAs aLwAyS bEeN a pVe gAmE!!”

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He hit me for a rising sun kick for 16k right before that too. If I blow every. single. cool down, I’m hitting for a 15k chaos bolt. You can’t justify that damage in that window. Add in the RSK and that’s my entire health pool in 3 total Globals.


Well, if you see a WW Monk run up to you with 2 duplicates of himself, might want to pop Unending Resolve next time.


You know what? It was the oddest thing. He did the exact same thing to me 1 minute earlier and I died through dark pact and unending resolve. Weird thing about those 3 minute cool downs not lining up well with monk burst.

why didnt you just use a defensive ability do you think monks are incapable of violence you should have seen this coming from 60 yards away