Monk damage lawl

Those cool downs they used are on a minute cool down. I only have unending resolve. When that’s gone, it’s fear or coil. He trinketed the coil. Not much else I can do as I land on seething shore.

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wtf nerf brewmasters and misweavers buff defensive buffs

At this point, regardless of gear, just Mirror the stats of every player so were all equal.


I mean that’s just bonedust and storm, earth, and fire, so they used CD’s and you should of kited it or traded a defensive for it. I do agree at times the damage in this game can just be absurd in PvP and it turns into a match between who can crit the most in a short period of time to kill each other. Especially in AWC games, overall PvP in this game is poorly balanced with a lot of classes having absurd mack daddy abilities and basically requiring you memorize EVERYTHING classes can do.

No, you’re not getting it. I didn’t have a cool down that lined up. Mirrors are 1.5 min cd (2 charges), so really 1 min 15 seconds. Bone dust is 1 minute. I landed on seething shore, coiled, he trinkets, I go to fear, interrupted RSK - 16k, then that damage. There is no defensive there. There is no portal or gate down, I just landed. There is no infernal or resolve (used it a minute earlier on the same guy). I don’t think any class in the game should be able to kill you in 2 seconds from full hp at 32% vers. That’s just stupid and bad design.

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Gear based pvp is laughable. Talk about not even trying as developers to create a fair experience.


I mean at the end of the day PvP in WoW is just awful, to be frank PvP in any blizzard title is awful. They just add in abilities that just smack way too hard or have some gimmick to them that just makes it OP in PvP. Why I steer away from PvP in general given players tend to gravitate towards the specs that will carry them in some form due to dome broken gimmick they can exploit.

that looks like more than 2 globals from over here

They do kungfu and you do faceplant :rofl:


thanks, time to pick up and play my monk again

What I don’t really like in the pvp is that they’re either really short games or they get drawn out way too long. I don’t pvp much, but, it’s really annoying to have a match that goes on way too long. Like there’s no middle ground.

Oh, I understand the problem. You see, right here it says you tried to play the “meme mode”, don’t take it seriously. Its just an easter egg the devs placed years ago as a joke or something, although almost no one finds it funny.

Now please follow me as I direct you to the nearest mythic+ and/or raid.


Also op you playing MW in arena??? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: We suck azz in arena. Why play a MW when every other healer has is so much easier??

Praise Lord ion

I accidentally got into PvP yesterday (first time on this toon in like 5 expansions).

I didn’t seem to have any problems dying. I think 4 people killed themselves on me… I was just trying to see what was going on in Goldshire!

Buff brew pvp we take too much dmg :frowning:

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nice of the monk to wait 10 seconds between each attack, and avoid using the abilites that build the chi need to cast that attack. Lie more.

Storm, Earth and Fire clones duplicate your ability usage (hence the triple hits with the same name being normal).


Exactly, so were just going to call for nerfs on an average class because they blew their cooldowns? Monks are fine… just fine. Leave them alone.

pvp = pummeled very persistently :crazy_face:

lol you know how many times I’ve praised WoD gearing speed? :laughing:

Though to update it’s 238 ilvl now :+1: