Monk and caster nerfs incoming

Good, monks should OOM. Your toolkit is literally the best in th game for peeling back to get free drinks. Any teams that decide to chase you are punished by DPS doing whatever the heck they want while your chased.

They have always oomed, even without the mana nerf they oomed. Now surging is 20% less healing (which imo was needed and I think it is pretty balanced) but the mana cost ontop of that is like blizzard doesn’t want us to use it at all. And its all casters nowadays so I’m not sure where you’re getting this free to get drinks lol

I think the Balance Druid nerfs are reasonable. Glad to see MW adjusted. Outside of Lightning Lasso / Stormkeeper was Ele really doing anything? Haven’t played into many of them outside of RBG.

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Yeah but despite mana costs, surging still heals for more then Vivify does it not? It’s the difference between flash of light and holy light

Yes Ele was still 2 shorting people in globals. Earth shock into a light bolt overload was insane.

I’m still confused how destro and spriest dodge’s nerfs lol makes 0 sense. Also buff aff dots.

Lol, if you really think that’s why people were talking about monks then I don’t think it’s possible to even have a productive discussion with you. Considering that not just me but every top tier player including the monk and healer mains agreed they were on a tier of their own
 I guess they’re all wrong too and I’m just being really biased.

When do I advocate for double melee? And when have I insulted people that don’t get Rank 1?

MWs were the best healers against everything and the meta was caster dominated and you would have this experience no matter what you played but okay?

Unlikely, being T1 isn’t really that big of a deal. There’s always a best spec. Only thing that ever becomes an issue if there’s just low risk/high reward in the strongest spec and really low counterplay, and anyways as for my personal opinion I don’t even think the changes towards monks did what I would have even thought would have been best. Imo I would have just wanted WoTC to have more counterplay with bringing back it’s healing reduced if you attack into damage reductions and make it not usable while locked out. Like I said I don’t care if somethings strong as long as it’s not strong because it’s extremely forgiving.


He’s talking about damage outside of Stormkeeper.

Ele has piss poor sustained and spread outside of that earth shock crits for like 30k ish with 15-20% crit chances.

And its not like ele has passive maelstrom generation like moonkin does aside from Fire ele. If they got Totem mastery (1m/s) they can’t pool 2 earth shocks back to back.

Ele attunement talent is pretty lackluster (+ 50 maelstrom, means no grounding or skyfury)

We’re talking about 5k lightning bolts and 8k lava bursts, 1.5k flame shock ticks.

Like why not nerf the burst and compensate with with more oomph to Lava burst, just nerf earth shock for the 5th time instead.

Folks always remember when Surge crit overloads 3x (extremely rare, talking like play for a week happens once or twice), earth shock crits with trinkets/torrent up

but I’ve watched plenty times where Gorecki, Samiyam etc Stormkeeper and it 30k damage

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Because you can kick destro and kick shadow priest
cant really kick a monk, does it even matter ?

How does that plate mouth cover surround your whole potato head?

What part of Ice Fury is insane 
 in the name of nerfing burst they have reduced our consistent damage spells. Now we can get trained with no fear at all as long as they save the trinket for the LL. Atleast give us back the ability to cast LB on the move
 as useless as it is .

Ion said we are to be a imobile turret class 
 ok then we should be able to blow away anyone sitting on top of us
 otherwise what exactly are we good for

People jus talk

16k frost shock crits are insane I guess

I should have specified but yes, this is what I meant.

There are some specs, like Balance, that I am afraid of without cooldowns. Outside of Lasso and Stormkeeper I never felt afraid of an Ele for the most part.

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And that’s my biggest gripe, I’m not advocating for ele’s prior absurd burst.

but without it what warrants bringing an Ele?

Another poster is like “well you can off heal and bring totems”

Ele brings no unique totems or utility especially over resto which for some reason hits harder with lava burst.

At least Enhance has lust, sustained cleave, cooldown reduction (albeit shtty) and all 3 lvl 100 talents are viable. Ele doesn’t use anything but stormkeeper even in PvE.

Lava burst should be critting for 15k in ilvl 380+

Aight done ranting, just hate how blizzard always nerfs and thats it

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You stack versatility as monk in general lol

I remember you braggin about being over 2100.

Looks like those nerfs are doing their job and bringing you back down to reality.

Back to the rat league with you. Mwahaha

Im playing windwalker retard.

sorry i wasn’t more specific

Class stacking shouldn’t be a thing either.

So double whammy for you. You’re hitting on all sorts of levels of bad.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Look back at your post history, it was some other monk, you are just a forum troll that has no idea what you are talking about. You have no more exp then I do, so just stop why you are ahead.