Mok'nathal and half elves as core races please

Oh god, you again.


Yes to half elves and mokā€™nathal. Anyone have any suggestions on what customizations you would like if these races becomes playable?

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For half elves Iā€™d like to see options for more than just high elf.

Like different ear orientations for night elf vs high elf, cause why not?

Also Iā€™d like to see eye colors that could represent that as well.

Mokā€™Nathal, should have kinda what youā€™d expect. Tough faces that look a little ogre and a bit orc. Nice shades from brown to light yellow green.

Iā€™m out of town right now so Iā€™ll think more on it and come back around.

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Any more ideas folks?

Good luck out there fen.

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Void Elves.



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yellowy orange orcs and yet another flavor of elf.


They have an entire high/blood elf society. Didnā€™t you get the memo?

They really donā€™t.

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They really do.

Yes to Mok, no to more Humans for me. Iā€™d rather get a new interspecies thatā€™s not the common and overused Orc/Draenei, Human/Elf that looks like the fantasy of the ones vouching for the gameā€™s protagonists.

I saw a Night Elf/Draenei descendant art once and it was amazing. Especially because it could be Druid.

Now thatā€™s an interspecies Allied Race Iā€™d be behind.

Iā€™m still all for half elf and mokā€™nathal, but I would love this tooā€¦

I have a night elf and a draenei toon who had a kid together in my RP stories. And their daughter did come to be a druid later. Be nice to get to play her.

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Thinking of how they would start out, thinking mokā€™nathal would have a Outland starting intro with the main clan, maybe they get attacked by demons and the horde helps them.

Half elves though I will have to ponder on.

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If theyā€™re ARā€™s youā€™ll only have to worry about their recruitment scenario.

Their home after that where the player starts would likely be Stormwind and Orgrimmar for those races.

Though an attack on Outlands Mokā€™Nathal clan would be neat to see as a means of forcing them to move to Azeroth.

High elves would be able to have a great deal of leeway in how you bring them in.

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Starting to think about a way that maybe they could use sunreaver thirst for vengeance against the silver covenent in a way for the introduction, what do you think.