Mods, PLEASE put the word MODERN in front of General Discussion

It’s only a failing point to you because you choose to get triggered only on certain things while giving others a pass. I believe in being as equal as fair about things in life as I can.

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I can’t help it if the player making an absurd claim why they divorced another doesn’t bug me but im all about following the rules. As i said. So me being triggered is a moot point. Cus i don’t give others a pass. So what are you even saying then?

That’s what the majority of GD is, perhaps you should take a look. Disregard the Classic threads then take a peek at the rest of the threads that don’t belong here that you choose to not get upset about.

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I mean, people could be getting ornery about everything and anything, but most choose to put energy into one fight at a time.

If Classic threads ever do slow down in here, someone will be complaining about the off-topic in their next forum battle.

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This thread makes me miss the downvote button.

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Which they should, we should be complaining about those threads right now. The argument should be about all topics that don’t belong in certain sections, not just ones that trigger certain people.

It’s funny how the same people that cry about wanting everything “fair” in the game don’t want “fair” when it comes to the forum. I’m not saying you, I’m saying numerous posters in this thread though. :slight_smile:

The names of the forums line up with what you see in the App. We know it may take people a little getting used to and a lot of people are just settling into WoW Classic, but we will continue to moderate and move Classic discussions to their appropriate forum ( but understand that it can be challenging when people are comparing one to the other.