Modern WoW just a slot machine?

It seems decent enough to me. Like if you don’t get lucky in the raid you can get lucky in the vault. I usually feel like I’m going to an item eventually,

WoW has always had RNG, especially with gear. When I raided in Classic, it took many Molten Core clears for me to get my full tier 1 Earthfury set, and took even longer for Thunderfury bindings to drop for our main tanks. I understand nostalgia glasses are powerful, but to ignore the mechanics that have been in since day 1… also if anything the vault tries to make it less of a slot machine by giving you additional chances to get something good!

I do think tokens that you can exchange for specific item slots would be a healthier reward system, especially for modern audiences. Gaming landscape is different and the current style of rewards can be rather off putting for newer players who like faster gratification.

A little bit, yeah, with some lobby game flavour thrown in.

It doesn’t seem so bad in smaller guild raids but in something like LFR you can easily do several of them and get nothing. You roll a 96 thinking you did good, then two others roll higher.

I never got my valor chest in vanilla…

They should use a currency instead of RNG loot drops…

I agree. I think they sort of intended to use the upgrade system and crafting as substitutes but… I don’t know, I feel like straight up dropping a bad luck protector in the form of currency just feels more satisfying, you can actually work towards a piece of gear you really need without all the hoops crafting and upgrades have you jumping.

You never realised before that WoW loot is largely random? That’s literally always been the case for dungeons and raids.

Isn’t this kinda the nature of MMOs in general. Kill a mob has a chance to drop gear. Sometimes it will be Epic.

But it works out, sometimes ppl can trade you dungeon gear if they don’t need and you can always keep hitting the loot piñata.

Weekly vault is a good feeling when you finally get it too.

Not just WoW, but many games over the years are just RNG on top of RNG.

Overwatch 1, back when it had loot boxes.

Diablo, the whole series, even now with P2W mechanics in Immortal, is RNG with the loot system.

Pokemon, the encounters within the games are pretty much entirely chance-based/RNG.
The Pokémon species themselves within a patch of grass, their personality, characteristics, stats are all randomly generated.

RNG is just inherent in a lot of games, because it minimizes predictability.

Well pvp gearing is a lot better. Getting currency from M+ and raid to spend on items would be ideal. We still need an element of RNG in the vault. But knowing I’m going to get a weekly loot from a vendor in pvp has been really good.

I’d be okay with WoW having dragon quest style slot machines.

Come on all murlocs, all murlocs. activate the bonus game!

As someone who has been raiding since Ruby Sanctum, loot was always RNG. Sure there might have been Valor gear for some time but many of the sought-after pieces were raid drops which were always RNG.

Running Molten Core for transmog? Still not guaranteed the piece you were looking for. While getting tier during Trial and ICC were easy, there were other pieces that were down to RNG such as weapons and trinkets.

Considering it only requires one drop of tier to get 4pc on Week 3 thanks to the AotC/KSM/1600 PvP token and catalyst, most of the RNG remains on weapons, trinkets, and off-set pieces which, inevitably, could be filled in with crafted if RNG is unkind.

always has been

I think there’s a couple qualifying statements here that mitigate the RNG a bit:

  1. clearing the same content multiple times
  2. clearing said content with same players

Doing these things can dramatically increase chance for gear, but I think those two qualifiers are doing the heavy lifting in your initial statement.

That said, I will also add that the ability to craft almost BIS-level gear is awesome and something unique for DF. This seems to be help reduce the RNG overall.

Wow has always been a slot machine: the problem is back in the day it was a “hidden” slot machine with GM’s using ML/Weird point systems/rolls for 3 out of 40 people to win items vs now everything is like BOOM BANG BOOM look at all the purples MUAHAHAHAHHAHA

The problem really is that you keep losing at the slots, you see the prizes way more, but the prizes end up sucking or you just lose. The Illusion that everything was better was because it was just all down under the table type stuff.

Wow has been and always will be:

Level → blue gear yay! → purple gear yay! → patch day: my purple gear sucks! → YAY new purple gear! → Repeat

Next Expansion → Level → blue gear yay! etc etc etc.

I am assuming but have you been on this roller coaster for 15 years and just today looked around and went “holy crap Im on a roller coaster”

When was this exactly? Cause sure was vanilla/tbc. Wotlk also no unless you the HM version in Uld for the extra drops.