Modern WoW just a slot machine?

I’ve been thinking about this a lot as we gear up in another season and was wondering the communities thoughts on this subject.

Trying to pinpoint exactly what I’m frustrated about, and I believe its the fact there seems to be no correlation between effort/time spent and reward in modern WoW.

When did clearing the content start to not mean anything? I recall a time where the avg loot attained from a raid was 1-2 items per clear, and now you can go weeks with nothing. Clearing content should give you a reward is this not how MMO’s are supposed to work?

I used to take comfort in the fact that I would eventually get an item I wanted if I cleared the content enough, but that is just not the case anymore. I had guildies who cleared the first raid every week and never got a grief torch trinket. Likewise I cleared the raid A LOT across multiple alts and never saw a Beacon trinket last raid.

Vault = slot machine
Mythic dung week & timewalking boxes = slot machine
Raid drops = slot machine (did not used to feel this way)
on and on

There seems to be no more steady progression, just slot machines.


did you just wake up from a 15 year coma ?


When the wow token was added. Now literally everything in game means NOTHING.

Also its easier to gear than ever and I think this post stems from someone losing their roll lol

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not from losing a roll, more from just never getting something over the course of an entire season. I know you won’t get something the first time, or second, or third, but I think its reasonable to think I might get it after the 10th time no?

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I feel you if it means anything. I never got the sark cloak :sob:

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how is this contributing the discussion?


seriously, you never noticed RNG before ?

it makes you seem unaware of the nature of this game…


You get even less now that people just roll need on anything they can.

What people do today is they roll need even if its for offspec or transmog…which was viewed as ninjaing before and would result in getting kicked.

Oh, they also roll need just so that they can sell it to the highest offer as well.

Good luck ever getting an upgrade legitimately anymore.


I see no evidence of this.

WoW has always been RNG driven. Nobody has ever been guaranteed to completely gear up in their best in slot set, even if they keep at it for the entire expansion.

At least with vault we have another pull of the slot machine, though people still find a way to whine about that too.


It’s contributing as much as the original post is contributing to anything.

Gear has always been RNG, coming to that realization nearly 20 years later is just ???


We have m+ / catalyst / vault now.

3 massive features that we didn’t have previously that gives us end game loot without having to raid.

It’s never been easier to gear than now.


I never said it was hard to gear. I just think (maybe want) it to more of a steady progression I know I will get to the end…eventually. WoW has 100% felt like this in the past no matter whatever the trolls say.

But now, not so much. It’s essentially just a gambling game when it comes to gear. But it seems you people like that which is strange. Would you not prefer to know you will eventually get what you want if you put in the time?


This is…. exactly how it works??? hello?


You have like 6 months to “steadily progress”…

It’s always been a gambling game for gear.

They even made it easier for you to do so.

Even if you put in the time before the item was never guaranteed unless it came from a questline.

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New to MMOs?

If you got a guaranteed reward you would only do the content once.


that’s not true lol…look at classic with the badges. You will eventually be able to purchase what you want people still keep playing no? and fated season in the past (which I know only happened one time, but its coming back)

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the badges system in wrath awarded gear that was far worse than anything you can get in raids.

and it was there as a protective thing with LIMITED items.

This is essentially the same thing with the vault now.


what about fated seasons? Does it not feel much better to know you will get an important item rather than just wishing every time you clear it, sometimes for the 20th time?

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Wow has been a slot machine since day 1.
All the way back in the vanilla alpha, it was a slot machine.

That’s not changed.

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Fated seasons still didn’t allow you to purchase everything.

It’s also a brand new feature that Blizzard implemented last xpac.

You might get 3 items from the fated vendor after months of raiding lol

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