Modern raid leaders

Its just to annoy you buddy

Because with mplus being a thing does anyone actually need anything from Heroic raiding anymore?


This has literally always been the case, literally always, all the way back to at lease Sartharion back in wrath. You do it with no drakes first, then 1/2/3 drakes depending on your group. And why not? Don’t you want to see how far you can go? Especially considering the first few bosses are typically easier than the end boss(es) of the previous difficulty but reward better gear.


same as “no one wants to invite me to their M+” when each week you can grab a key, run it, lower it, pug it, lower it, pug it more until you get 8 vault or something. like, it’s all in your fingertips!


I think it was during MoP, in the siege of Orgrimmar raid when this first started.

I use to raid lead when i was significantly younger but now i feel i would literally have a stroke from my blood pressure going to 250/150 or completely losing my sanity having to explain the same thing over and over that people keep dying to.

Thesedays im quite happy muting myself in discord & listening to metal.

One problem i see alot of players having is they have become accustomed to addons playing the game for them while being militantly against actually learning & understanding the mechanics of a fight.

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fair enough.

You have to start doing increased difficult bosses (ok the first 2 Mythic are not harder than Heroic Raszageth). If your guild goal is to progress mythic, then yeah, the raid leader is right.

If you’re not aligned with the guild’s g oals, then you should just leave.

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On the contrary, he killed his own guild because he & his kliq basically got all the gear in Heroic then thought they were top 0.1% raiders.

After insisting on bashing the raid teams heads against terros for 3 weeks people just got sick of him & bailed.

Oh I should also mention said raid leader started playing wow mid SL & obviously knows this game better than veterans of 18 years.

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that just sounds like ur guild was overall pretty lack luster.

Gear will always help, you should be clearing heroic for as long as possible for trinkets, tier set and unique items. My guild was still clearing heroic until a couple of weeks ago, the power you get from the extra gear is worth it.

Don’t join a Mythic progression raid team if you don’t want to progress Mythic?

Dear OP,
It isn’t the raid leader that is the problem. It is the impatience of the M+ people they have in their raids. If these leaders do not cater to these people, they fear these people will leave their raid and they will struggle.

So they rush through the content. The funny part is the fact that at some point these M+ people are going to leave or demand that others are kicked from the group and the group will lose what made it enjoyable to begin with.

The actual solution to this problem is to sync over geared players down to the level of the rest of the raid. But that’s not going to happen.

Including him.

IF your raid clear heroic with time left why wouldn’t you prog mythic? First boss of mythic was often easier than the final boss of heroic. Abit of extra gear for the team is beneficial.

It also depends on what your raid’s expectations are. Are people doing their M+ to gear outside or raid? Realistically you shouldn’t just rely on heroic clears for gearing.

Introduce world firsts, esports, leader boards to a game and there will always be those that do whatever they can to be on top, no matter how meaningless it is.

That tells me that either those people who bailed weren’t aligned with the guild goals or the guild didn’t define any goals.

Either way, I assume the RL was some sort of GM to be able to do that.

Seems to me that he successfully lead your guild through AoTC and now you’re being an ungrateful vindictive sog trying to get back at him by bashing on the forums with hopes that the said RL will read the post and get offended because you’re here gathering “support” to your lost cause.

Grow up and move on.



That’s because guilds more focused on progression expect people to get M+ gear to supplement that progression. This isn’t a problem with leadership it is just how gearing works now. It is up to the player to decide if they like this or not.

Veterans of 18 years say things like “I can’t believe someone’s trying to tell me how to play my class” while they’re doing 20k at 400 ilvl

And in this case, I mean people that feel the need to say it, as if playing it for 18 years automatically means you’re good.