Modern raid leaders

I have noticed a trend over the years of modern raid leaders having this incessant need to prog Mythic after essentialy 2 weeks of heroic clears.

A raid team hasn’t even learned each other’s gameplay before they are say headbutting terros with a couple of pumpers & the rest of the team pretty undergeared.

When did it become a trend to want to move onto Mythic too soon & refuse to farm heroic ??? I dont get it.

Is it lack of understanding of how to run a raid team or just sheer ego epeen flexing.


Because WoW players are impatient petulant children.

Here is the good news; just like there are Raid leaders doing what you don’t like/approve - you can be a Raid leader yourself and farm heroics THEN move onto mythic!!


Yeah, it’s crappy behavior regarding anything mythic. But, no one is stopping you from running and organizing your own.


…they’re dressed like the Pet Shop Boys or Daft Punk.

From the raid leaders I’ve seen, this is part of a marketing ploy to attract others to the team. Your average gamer would rather join a “mythic progression guild” than an “AOTC guild”.

But, in general, you’re right. It creates an environment with a few strong players and a bunch of braindead, undergeared carries that ultimately mean the raid will never achieve anything more than 3 to 5 out of 8 in Mythic. And not only that, they’ll throw their brains at raiding for the entire tier too which is a colossal waste of time.

Dear lord why is your spacing all over the place?

You can get the first few mythic bosses if you can clear heroic (and have a suitably sized team), and the rewards are better. Think of it like the first few mythic bosses are part of the farm, even if they’re progression.

I don’t think the intention is CE. I think it’s to make the heroic clears even easier and to kill a few mythic bosses and have fun. But that’s just my guild, sure other guilds go for CE but those are called CE guilds and not just mythic raiding guilds. A mythic raiding guild can be 1/8M.


this isnt a issue, most raid teams out gear heroic before its even cleared.

usually a raid team isnt exclusivly 20 new players and you are being recruited into a preexisting team so its more like 2 players havent meshed with the 18.

farming what you out gear gets you now where because upgrades dont exist.

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As the RL for my friend and I’s new guild, none of us have any interest in pushing mythic. We get AOTC, and then push 20-22s. Mythic is an abyssmal waste of time past the first boss or two.
Wiping 150+ times on a boss for no loot? Nah no thanks


I feel you dude.

It’s pretty simple though, word passed around that 2/8 mythic was “easy” and opens a mythic vault slot.

2/8 is indeed pretty easy.

A lot of “AOTC” groups got 2/8m before getting aotc.

And then it seems a lot of people want to quit after aotc

It’s still really early in the season to be calling it quits tho.

There’s some of us who want aotc so we can go smash really high keys instead of mythic raiding.
Myself I do aotc then work my way up to 20+ keys.

You dont need to have full heroic gear to start doing mythic, most of the time it’s just a skill check. Once a DPS/Heal check happens and it’s truly a DPS/Heal check then it’s another story.

within our guild we don’t Mythic raid, but it is often spoken to everyone that if you can’t nail mechanics on Normal than you are not ready for Heroic (even though everyone clamors for the sweet sweet progression)

And, well it’s true, we stepped in to Heroic a few weeks ago and some struggle with Teros.

As long as the guild is open about expecting to do mythic content I don’t see a problem. It is a race you know! Obviously we can’t all be top 10 world guilds, but better positions tend to lean towards being able to recruit more smoothly.

Why can’t we just have fun. My FF static has a blast and we’re still somewhat progging P8S part 1. Granted I’m leaving them here soon because I’m kinda fed up, but they’re still all good people.

Guess I’m part of the problem lol.

Maybe this is why some people try so desperately to keep the raid ID lockouts.

They need to try and keep their top performers tied down with these bad players.

Its just to annoy you buddy

Because with mplus being a thing does anyone actually need anything from Heroic raiding anymore?


This has literally always been the case, literally always, all the way back to at lease Sartharion back in wrath. You do it with no drakes first, then 1/2/3 drakes depending on your group. And why not? Don’t you want to see how far you can go? Especially considering the first few bosses are typically easier than the end boss(es) of the previous difficulty but reward better gear.


same as “no one wants to invite me to their M+” when each week you can grab a key, run it, lower it, pug it, lower it, pug it more until you get 8 vault or something. like, it’s all in your fingertips!


I think it was during MoP, in the siege of Orgrimmar raid when this first started.