Modern raid leaders

Being vindictive soag is worse. Move on, he lives rent-free on your head.

in hindsight I’m surprised gms with role leaders even spoke during fights. I only got to the edge where people were recording and watching fights to make corrections, a lot less stressful than breathing down everyones neck on time itself. The gap in knowing people is rough, I blame healers not making fun of the people they have to heal the most in heroic.

When? At least as far back as Ulduar, where people were doing this with hard modes

But it’s also important to remember that modern day heroic was akin to 10 man or normal mode raiding back in the day in terms of difficulty, where you often only recleared because you HAD to, or because you couldn’t push ahead.

That said, Terros is the kind of fight where you likely need to be doing reclears for gear

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Eranog and council mythic is easier than heroic rasz. I’d also go so far as to say that mechanically terros is easier as well - it just required more gear to hit the checks for most groups.

Mythic drops better loot, and gets your guild ranked higher - making it quicker to gear up, and easier to recruit as needed.

Join an AOTC guild if you don’t want a guild that is rushing mythic.

Because wow refuses to do the one thing that works. Boss tokens.

So the lucky dudes get geared quickly and everyone else is left behind. From their side they get nothing out of heroic so why help those who didn’t win much loot the first couple of weeks? The raid size changes for Mythic anyways. So most of them won’t come with you.

Boss tokens would help guilds keep everyone around item parity within a decent time frame. Like 4 kills and you just buy the item you want from the boss. It would also be less burden in helping with reclears. As you know your homie needs one more week instead of potentially the entire patch to get that one piece that increases their damage by a good amount.

Until there is less friction between the lucky people who get geared in two weeks and the people who take 53 runs of one dungeon to get their item raiding guilds will struggle to stay together.

Thats the entire game right now… who can get the furthest the fastest.

Pretty much i know of another guild that disbanded last night fof the exact same problem.

realistically if you’re in a guild thats gonna be doing mythic, you would be doing m+ to supplement your gear and the first couple bosses on mythic are usually a cakewalk, similar to other heroic bosses

if you are “undergeared” by the time you set foot into mythic, then thats mostly a personal choice aka raiders being lazy, much more so now that you can be DECKED OUT in 418s thanks to crafting

The goals i set to achieve this season I’ve achieved so at this point all there is left to do is farm rep , gold & professions completion.