Modern Death Knight character customizations

Yeah, people are. They have been. Their argument is “the lore is screwed already so keep on doing it”. So screw the lore.

Did they really add to the lore for this or was it already there? It was already there.

Any elf that is a DK is already a darkfallen. Darkfallen doesnt mean red eyes, stop with this misinformed line of reasoning. If thats the case should Dark Rangers have access to DK eyes? They are both undead so why not? Right?

it would be really cool to have the option (along with static colors) to change eye glow color based on active spec. Red, Blue/white, and green.

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now im curious what they added to the lore that made tauren paladins make sense

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Nothing. They literally added nothing for Tauren paladins. The Tauren have An’she the sun god that they worship. They are called Sunwalkers. The Tauren wielded the power of An’she in the past so nothing was added. The only thing that was added was the purpose they have which is to balance out the worship of the moon and sun.

they could just make it an option and say its magical illusion then theres no lore being messed with and people can still enjoy having options and if you dont want it you dont use it.

A customization Id love to see is the implementation of Death Masks/Funerary Veils.
Both as a reference to the funerary practice as well as the concept of wanting to wear something that covers the various levels of injury or decay that may have occurred before being razed.

And they can just not do it like they have done even doubling down on Dk having blue eyes.

Or they can open options up and make up some simple reason as to why players have diffrent glowing eyes

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Funny how people say it’s simple… So why haven’t they done it? They don’t like the players? Ok… So why exactly are you paying a company that doesn’t like you?

If that’s not it then what is it? Why did they double down in SL?

Seek help, Kelliste.


I feel like this whole Eye color debate is easy enough to solve if blizzard just says its the lingering traces of your anima being forced back into your body by domination magic, and with the original sources of the domination magic dead or destroyed the domination magic is no longer overpowering the other energies we interact with allowing it to tint the same as anima in the various zones of shadowlands did.

The original source isn’t dead though. That would be the Primus. We also didn’t lose any anima.

Seek help? With what?

… oh you mean mentally!

So I dont fall in line with you I should seek help and be re-educated? Is that what you are suggesting? Or should you be the one that should seek help for thinking other people that dont agree with your bad ideas should seek help because there is something wrong with disagreeing with you?

You know those warlock forums… go back to it.

The Primus may have been the one who made the domination magic but I think its fair to assume he was never the underling power source for the domination magic being used on DKs. Unless you are claiming he could exert control over the Ebon Blade at will?

Never said we did. The eye glow could be the equivalent of condensation on the exterior of a compressed gas cylinder and not effect the contents.

The jailer isn’t the power source either. He was a user. And the Primus probably could have done a lot of things… But why would he? No one has really answered why the Primus would do any of the things people want him to do.

You implied we lost anima through saying that anima would be forced back into our bodies meaning we lost it somewhere.

Eye glow isn’t the condensation, it’s the resulting flame of the contents of the cylinder. If you burn a certain gas that means the flame is a certain color right? So domination magic is blue. Doesn’t matter what the condensation is the flame is going to be blue unless the contents are changed.

Anima follows the soul and presumably the soul needs to be put back into the body to make a DK or at least trapped in the corpse. So I didn’t Imply any of the anima was lost just displaced by the process of death.

Were both saying its a biproduct.
To keep with your example Anima would be Oxygen While acetylene would be Domination magic. you swap it out for Propane or another gas and get a different result.

Did you think I meant the jailer was the source of domination magic as a whole?

I clearly meant he had ultimate control of the domination magic used in the creation of DKs and I do not believe he would have allowed the Primus to maintain any control.

If he did have control that would open up a plot hole where by the Primus should have been able to directly control Anduin and Sylvanus after we freed him.

Additionally Zovaal is clearly a practitioner of domination magic in his own right and not just using the Primus’s power. He may have invented domination magic but he doesn’t control how each practitioner uses it and claiming otherwise is like saying that the person who invents a language controls how all other people use it. Its a tool not an extension of his being.


So your post was completely pointless and unfounded. Got it.

So you give up because you don’t have a real response?

So your bad faith uncritical response to my legitimate effort to engage with you got me a bit tilted and I started looking into you.
Do you even play the DK outside of LFR?
Who has that many posts on the forum with next to nothing but arguing with people in agro condescending ways?
I’m just going to block you and ignore any posts you make from now on. Do me a favor and do the same. You arent worth my time.

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There wasnt anything to respond to that wasnt already responded to. If you take the domination magic out of the DK you no longer have a DK. You also went on something about condensation on a compressed gas tank, which doesnt actually further a point since the gas is what produces the color and you later admitted to change the color the contents would have to changed. Like from Propane to methane for example. So you would have to remove the Domination magic in favor of what? If anima is just the oxygen, then what is the source?

You really didnt think things through.

Why do you care? What does that have to do with the conversation at all? The fact that you guys stoop so low shows how bad you guys are. Get some better arguments instead of these little crappy attacks that dont do anything and maybe get a better argument. The amount of time you guys spend on moaning about what other people accomplish you could probably come up with something better than “condensation”.

Like what is that?

I just called out a post being completely pointless. If you wanted me to go into on how its completely pointless dont moan about it.

Bye, you wont be missed. Death Knights have blue eyes get over it. There is 0 reason for DK eye color to change.

Why did you start then? Sorry that your condensation whatever it was… well im not sorry… it was just bad.