Mobility class tier

As irrelevant as pve is.

Plenty of people main different content.

Druid and Mage shoud be above Warrior.

Paladin should be above Priest.

Otherwise, this is generally true.

Thirst for Battle, the PvP talent. Was just acknowledging “also removes snares if You talent for it in pvp,” though I don’t consider it mobility…since it requires use of Bloodthirst…which requires melee range.

Not from what I’ve noticed.

My guild had a pvp night last night and two of the guilds PvErs with the biggest egos, both of them raid leads btw, were floundering in pvp.

Pve is only more popular because it’s has a extremely low entry lvl and is if anything numbers based and then skill based. Pvp is skill based then everything else. Pvp is factually the more dynamic and complex content. Periodt.


O yea, I felt you worded that weirdly lol.

When I was considering Thai list I didn’t want to include talents cause it’s a slippery slope, lol.

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Double charge plus heroic leap, and ww which prevents roots.

This is the accurate order.

Demon Hunter

I agree and I think the best evidence for this is the transfer rate.

A really good PvP’er can step into raiding for the first time and there’s a guarantee they will be at least above average and able to execute mechanics.

On the other hand, a full mythic raider can step into PvP for the first time and the statistics are they will seriously eat dirt first 10-20 encounters before understanding the rhythm, dynamic and pace of PvP.


Druid is highest because slows and roots dont effect them.

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lol Druid being so low when they can negate slows and snares.

lol at Rogues being so high



It’s because PvE is Ai which is always beatable. It’s predictable. Pvp is no such thing.

I would switch warrior with rogue specially outlaw rogue (blade rush, sprint, graphling hook, 30% pasive move speed) warrior is very inmobile comparing to rogue

As an arcane mage I can just about guarantee that I will outrun everyone.


I have every class leveled up. DK has better mobility baseline than priest, lock, and paladin.

Yes, I said paladin because a paladins sprint is slowable whereas a DK’s is not.

Subtlety Rogues are quite mobile.

Shadowstep x2
Nightstalker (20% Passive Movement speed in stealth)

For the fun of it, I do love to spam Stealth and Shadowstrike on random NPC just to freak players out.

  • 30% Movement Passive Speed is a lie, it’s only 15% - Increases only if you pick a particular talent, which is also in Stealth Only.

  • Grappling Hook is Combat ‘Outlaw’ Spec only.

  • Warrior has two charges, and a leap which has a lower CD than Sprint - Even more so if you select the talent ‘Bouncing Stride’ where it becomes only 30 seconds + increases movement speed by 70% for three seconds, not to mention it also basically cuts the same range of distance of Sprint in a quicker time-span.

All Rogue specs have 15% pasive speed. Plus 15% if You take the talent as a outlaw spec

I was talking about outlaw particulary

Noup. Any Rogue spec are much faster than warrior.

  1. Warrior always needs to take stun Bolt talent instead a second charge.

  2. Outlaw reduce the cooldown for every point you spend which reduces Sprint cooldown from 1 min to 30 sec(depending how much points You spend) also it frees from any snare.

  3. Bouncing stride sucks because 3 sec is not enough and You need to give up to more important talents that are in that row.

  4. You are forgeting about graphling Hook which is like our leap but better.

You clearly havent played a rogue don’t You?



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Grappling hook if outlaw. Fury could be on the same token as having two leaps with Sprint after and 2 charges.

Warriors are super mobile.

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Did you forget about blessing of freedom or something dude?
Paladins are faster than DK’s.
Priests with the feather are faster than DKs.
Lock with their gate + burning feet are faster than DKs.

DK’s are the slowest class by far.

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