Mobility class tier

Yeah, without doing any damage. You can also negate any benefit with a snare. Then you’re moving at a normal speed, AND doing absolutely no damage.

Also, taking feral lunge is too much of a detriment in PvP.

Warr has charge and leap by default. Mage only has 1 blink by default. Warr is definitely more mobile than mage.

Spewing the baseless talking point of the general forums :upside_down_face: this semi rational “we get a new raid every patch and PvPers get nothing see WoW is a PvE game” fallacy is a joke. Yes, everyone knows PvP has a lot more replayability than PvE. People don’t want to beat the same computer over and over again. PvP was World of Warcraft’s main draw for many, many years, and all of the famous WoW players were a reflection of that. It wasn’t until Method that PvE actually became something that people paid attention to.

And only a person who doesn’t PvP or is bad at PvP would say mobility isn’t necessary. You 100 people in GD can echo it all you like because you saw someone else say it once and it matched your prerogative, but PvP has never been a fringe, mini game in WoW. The expansion into Arenas, RBGs, and War Mode is evidence, along with historical playerbase interest.

I’m glad to know you’re a proud PvEr, but quite frankly, anyone who succeeds at PvP can do extremely well at PvE. The reverse can not be said.

You shouldn’t even be in a mobility thread like this if you’re not considering PvP.

PvP talents are used by everyone with Warmode on, and to discount them because you happen to like to kill the same algorithm over and over and over and over again is incredibly disingenuous and eternally self-centered.


This is completely and unequivocally correct. Warlocks are painfully slow.

I dunno. From what I’ve noticed a lot of people who are good at pve ARE good at pvp and vice versa. There are people who are just good at the game. I’ve also got friends who are good at pvp who are abysmal in pve. I used to do high end pve content but haven’t in a long time, and i don’t do pvp enough to say I’m bad but I’m mediocre or below average at best lol. So all 3 scenarios can certainly happen. I do enjoy laughing at my friends who gripe about player preference though, like when my pvp friends do poorly and say “well I’m not a pve hero” in response and vice versa. Both aspects of the game are virtually the same, really. You’re fighting a scripted boss, or you already know what your opponent is going to do, so really what’s the difference

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Druid is by far one of the most mobile. Wild charge, sprint, cat form run speed increased.

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This list is looking more accurate. Although I’d say druids are the apex due to travel form and being unrootable

burning rush is a talent. Survival shield vs something that eats you. Pallies have the horse baseline

Depends on how you rank it subjectively.
Personally I would put Monks in front of Demon Hunters, at least for Windwalker. Multiple Rolls, a large speed boost with root supression, Flying Serpent Kick, and Transcendence at the least (possibly something I forgot?)

Demon Hunters have 2 dashes and vengeful retreat with double jump and glide, with possible move speed increase on a 3min cd.

Hunters whilst “mobile” in the terms of not having to stop to cast etc don’t really have additional mobility, only disengage and cheetah on a long cd, I’d argue Mages are far more mobile with multiple charges for blink along with displacement, at least over a period of time.

Permanent 30%+ movespeed from a Druid plus potential of multiple dashes, and charges etc make them one of the most mobile along with monks and DHs.

I’d probably instead split the classes into tiers rather than an ordered list.

S tier would be something like Druids, Monks, DH, classes with lots of different forms of movement almost always available.

A Tier would be something like Mages and Hunters. Classes with relatively frequent bursts of speed (assuming Hunter has Posthaste) without a requirement.

B tier would be something like Shaman, Warrior, and Rogue. Classes with either reasonably frequent dashes that have a requirement (warrior needing a target for charge), classes that have decent mobility but perhaps extended cds, or classes that have decent overall movement enhancement but no real frequent or exemplary burst cds or mobility spells. (Rip Gust of Wind)

C tier would be something like Priest, fairly weak mobility abilities with reasonable cds. Maybe Warlock also, IF you take all the mobility talents.

D tier is of course Paladin and DK, with Warlock also included if you don’t take any mobility talents.

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druid should definately be higher. the instant shifts is great stuff. if we get into race i love my ne druid the best but my worgen has that double sprint which is too hard to not notice.

You have druid WAY too low on that list.

sin is the top rogue spec for pvp and its not that mobile

assassin rogues are what matters and its below druids and warriors

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Gate, Teleport circle. Warlocks have many more options than Paladins either baseline or through Talents.

Paladins just have the Horse and maybe 2 charges of the 45 second horse that lasts all of 3 seconds.

Yeah, a horribly designed fight that forced top raters to switch to goblins.

Idk where u got this info but mage should b in the mumber 1 or 2 spot. Specifically arcane mage. Literally having the opponent slowed 24/7 and from spamming barrgae with chrono shift , a dh can n struggling to catch up to an arcane mage. And trust me my main is an arcane mage amd all i do is pvp. Any melee literally has no chance catching up to me. If u dont believe me heres a video of me yesterday destroying a ret pally and a dk, both over 260k health.

Look up Arcane mage Destroys 2 very geared and its the first video at the top. Wont let me link anything to this message

Hunter is # 1 on my list nothing better than 30% perm run speed
why out side combat make large dungeons/zones faster

But mobility for me = run speed if we wanna talk about jumping around then Demon hunter

There can be a running contest of some sort to figure this out.

For the horde, all 12 classes get together at Crossroads and start running to Orgrimmar and we can see who is the fastest and slowest.

For the alliance, all 12 classes get together at Sentinel hill and start running to Stormwind.

Only then we shall see who is the fastest?

Damn, Burning Rush so good. Let me run at 100% speed while eating your attacks due to no baseline snare and losing 4%* health every 1 sec.

1 real prob with that is how ppl take corners and straight lines a slower person can still beat a faster person who is not doing that

use to catch up to faster ppl in games all the time from fps to racing by taking corners better and planing out my path as straight as possible

What targeted root remover?