Mob scaling has broken my will to play

A player posted back in April of 2018 in the massive thread entitled “XP FROM DUNGEONS” (The thread which was started by a Blizzard Moderator as a sticky in Feb. 2018 asking for player feedback) where another game named eq2 has an XP slider where the players have the option on how fast they want to level but as everything else in that thread it was completely ignored as most ideas players come up with are by the Developers these days.

You can view it for yourself in the below post link:

You know Blizzard already has given us players the ability to stop XP gain in the war rooms and if you think about it maybe it wouldn’t be too difficult to offer this to us as well (If eq2 can do it why not Blizzard) that way all players will be happy with leveling; Ones that want to level slow and the ones that want to faster.

Blizzard however seems to want to make things as tedious as they can for us players so they can make more in subscription time played take longer to level thus earning more in subscription money.