Mmr system for Blitz

Anyone else think the mmr system for this mode just generally feels awful? Its the first time ive felt put off by pvp. I dont even want to q because i just never feel like i make progress. you win one game gain like 10 mmr then lose and you lose 11. its just afwul and its completely luck based.

Tell me you don’t understand how it works without telling me you don’t understand how it works.

Tell me you’ve never played a team sport without telling me you’ve never played a team sport. Sometimes you can play flawlessly but it still won’t compensate for poor teammates. Also sometimes you can get carried to a win you don’t deserve.

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Ad hominin attacks don’t really work when you’re trying to refute someone. How about asking the player what in that situation makes them “feel” that way. Maybe ask what solutions they could posit. It doesn’t help to be a jerk.


This is how ad hominem works:

It’s perfectly acceptable to say something like: ‘you’re wrong, so you’re an idiot’.

Whereas it is not acceptable to say: ‘you’re an idiot, so you’re wrong’.

It isn’t a phrase you can use to negate anything said, anytime you see an ad hominem.

Blitz MMR is a meme. I expect we’ll see adjustments for the next season.


youre trolling for real

this post is exactly why people say the wow pvp community is toxic

I’m not. Read up on how the system works, and it will make sense.


The OP’s post is exactly why people remain ignorant of what it is they are experiencing. Spounting their feelings instead of address their ignorance on the subject. I’ve Blitz up to 2100 cr, seeing my MMR drastically higher (2700) and significantly lowers after a long loss streak (1800). At no point was it a mystery to me what was going on with my rating.

I am now rebuilding my MMR on that character, and it will take a strong winning trend to undo the long loss streak I had. While I was in the negative, any loss was a bigger point hit, while any win was a smaller gain. Read my link if you can’t quite grasp why this is the case.

I find it slightly annoying they cap rating gains after 1600 or whatever. 1600 in a 2200+ lobby and I get 23pts :frowning:


Yeah the caps feel bad

This is legitimate criticism on the mmr system based specifically on how it works, not just “MMR feels bad, man.”

Considering that top players are above 3k, capping rating gain after 1600 at 23 is silly, though I suspect it’s to keep people playing in the system longer…which is does.

I think I read somewhere it’s capped at like 25pts a win, but it just makes grinding so painful. I tanked like 100 rating on my Rogue ( 2430ish to 2300ish ) and now I’m getting +8 for a win and -15-17 for a loss. Stuff be wild yo - could just be me just landing where I belong but I was winning in 2600-2800 lobbies and getting pretty minimal points, who knows. :woman_shrugging:

I tanked 100 cr, but like 800 mmr over the course of 14 consecutive losses. Still digging myself out of that hole.

I haven’t queue’d on that toon in weeks, I’ve just been hitting 1600 on alts to get free gear and leveling more toons :woman_shrugging:

The only issue I have with mmr is that if you go on a bad loss streak, it is REALLY difficult to break the loss streak and get back to a healthy level. e.g. my cr is around 2900 but my mmr has dropped to 2700 and I get 3 points per game but lose 18. Honestly it makes me wanna log for a few weeks. This season I had a major drop after I dcd and lost all my mmr and 200 cr which resulted me in losing around 500 rating.

Loss streaks happen. Unfortunately it’s the nature of the beast when dealing with randomized group play.

The rating system is junk. On my new pally, he’s now 2600 mmr but only 1550 cr. I’m 10-2 on him, I’m in 2600 lobbies and when I win, I’m getting 23 rating, luckily I haven’t lost any rating on those 2 losses, but c’mon, 23 rating when I’m playing in lobbies 1100 higher than my cr… bonkers.

Yeah I have had the same experience on one of my alts. The 23/24 cap on wins above 1600 is so wild. They really need to tighten up the mmr but also give better points for winning above your Cr.

Also, losing 300 mmr for 1 loss is also bonkers.

Yeah, it needs to kick in like north of 2100 or something.