"MMR is being fixed"......not

I wish…

They explained in a bluepost that the inability to queue for rated PVP is “just a bug”.

They have not indicated in any way that mmr will be fixed. Prove me wrong @blizz.

Last time they adjusted mmr they did it slowly over a week (DF season 2 I believe) and communicated this change in a post (which they have not done here).

r1 shuffle is 2200… nothing wrong with that obviously.


MMR isn’t broken.

MMR is artificially limited in shuffle since DF season 2, which was even officially announced, while it isn’t capped at all in BBG. 3s MMR works like always I think, but the ridiculously low participation results in a low overall MMR.

So yes, it is broken in shuffle and the missing dynamic solution, which would let MMR scale based on its participation, does harm addiationally. A dying game thus exacerbates the situation considerably to speed up its demise even more.

It’s like a smoker who smokes a pack of cigarettes after the shock of being diagnosed with lung cancer. Or a diabetic who “digests” the diagnosis with a few bars of chocolate.

If they wanted to slow down the dying process, they would do everything they could to increase the fun factor for the remaining players and not make the game even less enjoyable.


No, they just normalized the curve to be more in line with 3s. Now people aren’t playing nearly as much. Blizz could tweak the formula a bit to help, but it isn’t broken.


Explain to me why you think mmr is broken.

Yes, because the entire bottom-end of shuffle is playing blitz instead.

When r1 shuffle was ~3400, r1 rbgs have been ~2400.
The bottom 1k rating moved from shuffle to bgb.

Now top solo shuffle is ~2200 and top bgb is 3200.

Mmr is working exactly as intended. It’s how many people are playing and where they are playing.


This part really stands out, with mmr bottle necked right where it’s at in shuffle I really think ppl are quitting after they get their illusion holding that mmr hostage as well.

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Good points however I believe people still play both. While there has been less participation I feel that if people have not hit elite yet something is wrong.

That is only half true. They made changes so the mmr is more in pair with 3s MMR, so far so true.

But they didn’t normalized it, they artificially decreased it. And that is backfiring now massively, because the participation in shuffle isn’t what it was in DF season 1 or 2. It is still the most played PvP bracket, but far away from its peak, simply because the game is dying and doesn’t have a healthy player base anymore.

So all we are asking for is to remove that limitation. The argument of limited MMR even makes no sense anymore, as they haven’t implement a limitation to BBG. So why for RSS?

They even should buff MMR consistently so people keep playing the game! Instead they are frustrating them as even tournament players have hard times to reach 2400 in 3s. In shuffle? Impossible right now! Not a single player made it so far, neither in NA nor EU after 4 weeks into the season! And that is why most people see no sense in playing that bracket.

About mmr in general, I am wondering if you even understand how its working or that a higher participation always leads into a wilder spread range around the median. It has to go higher simply because it has a lot more people playing and it needs to give every player a fitting MMR based on their previous performances.

“We just want Crimson shuffle mmr back is that so much to ask like what’s even the issue”


Id say over half still do. All the “average”, above average, and top-end plagers still play both. You can easily verify this by looking at the ladder, see who is playing/commenting, and checking third party sites like drustvar or seramate.

That being said, a non-insignifcant minority of the bottom 25-30% aren’t playing arena anymore. These are people that the majority of the playerbase never interacts with in most settings, because they’re well below-average. I’m not saying this to flame or disparage anyone, but we’re talking the people with 30% winrates around 1k rating or below AFTER playing placement games. These are players who likely click buttons or dont know how the game works at all.

Arena is an EXTREMELY punishing game mode for those players, because they don’t even know what they don’t know. They’re almost certainly all pressing their buttons very wrong (if pressing them at all), and when they die, the game is over.

Bgb is MUCH more attractive to these players, because they can still play (AND win/get carried) even when they die. It’s more fun, they get to play more, they’re less punished, they have a full team of excuses when they lose, and they can even still win games despite struggling.

Regardless of their level of skill, these players have always existed and have always been an integral part of the ladder system. For every point of rating above “average”, there are just as many points below average. When those players go elsewhere, they take the overall mmr with them and it pushes down where the average rating is.

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All of this confirms that.

Again, blizz could tweak it for sure but it’s working correctly.

The limitation is from the community.

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When that increases the participation and let have more people fun playing, then there is nothing wrong with that!! 10 times better than people being unable to even achieve elite after 4 weeks into the season, while people already have glad in 3s or 3k rating in BBG!!!

Its time to keep the small player base we have left. Making the game a frustrating experience doesn’t help with that!

Say about inflated MMRs like DF S1 shuffle or SL S2 arena what ever you want, but didn’t you play hundred if not thousands of games in those seasons? Just think about it!

The current way to play right now is to que blitz and wait for the end of the season because the highest rating right now in ss is like 2200.

Player numbers are currently double DF ss numbers so no it is not a participation issue.

Again we have all the numbers of how many people were glad in every season 1. Every season 1 is usually a easy season to push.

They literally tweak mmr every season, so they are def doing something with the mmr to make it so all of a sudden THIS season 1 the highest rating is 2200 after 1 month in.

They tweaked the mmr in 3v3 to be higher than SS, and im pretty damn sure they did the same with blitz.

Naw, shuffle just went the way of 3s.


There is a 400cr gap between ss and 3v3. wtf are you talking about.

It obviously did not!

The average cr of the top 50 3s player is 2483. The average cr of the top 50 shuffle player is 2275. And all that while the activity of shuffle is usually 9-10 times higher!!!

But yeah, keep acting like everything is fine with shuffle mmr!


Just let shuffle fade away, You have blitz for free rewards now. Put more focus back into actual arena, too many brackets now. Change rewards, add new ones, add higher rating rewards, add different rewards to different modes ect.

A note on blitz, I’ve honestly seen FAR more attempt to strategize and play together as a team in blitz(as well as the rage being far more entertaining) than I have ever seen in shuffle. The most you see in shuffle is “go x?”. Awful game mode.


Can anyone actually post a pic of the supposed mmr cap? I remember when they actually capped it in DF there were pics of 6 person lobbies with multiple people sitting exactly at mmr cap, haven’t seen one of it happening in war within.

Throwback to Verdant when people weren’t 2800 mmr after winning two lobbies and got all existential.

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Only extremists always think in extremes!

No, its implemented from the devs!!!

The amount of people who cried in the forum about high shuffle mmr was very low compared to the people who were busy enjoying the game while playing shuffle!

You only need to compare both ladders right now. In shuffle you will see a lot people sitting on the same cr:

  • 3 people at 2278 cr
  • 3 people at 2272 cr
  • 4 people at 2261 cr
  • 4 people at 2238 cr
  • 4 people at 2234 cr
  • a lot of doubles on several ratings in between those

And they are at the top of the ladder. It totally contradicts the usual image of the Gaussian bell curve shape we should have in a MMR environment, so you can be certain that there was something artificially implemented to the system that massively decreases the possible gaining! Figuratively speaking, it’s as if the devs have increased the gravity in the game so that you can hardly jump anymore.

And now compare that with what I wrote before:

But what you’re not considering is who is no longer playing shuffle. The bottom end isn’t playing the mode at all when they can just Q blitz. That’s what’s causing the deflation, man.

I agree that blizzard should absolutely be more transparent about mmr and how these things work, and ideally do a dev interview to explain, but bgb was absolutely always going to do this to shuffle.

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