MMR in Blitz badly needs to be addressed

Rofl they probably want an adult content version :rofl: omg Moon Guardians please, relax. Its inevitable. (Snowcrest I’m not calling you a moon Guardian I’m just shouting them out real quick…) You will all get your turn to see something happen. If he queues up next season, which he doesn’t really do he hands off his credentials, then you will find out what happens when I’m at live recording him on YouTube lmao. He wants me irl at this point. His attraction is very weird.

Also truthfully, the silent majority is on my side. They know who I am, and how I am. They know what I’ve done. These are great things and I love it. I love this game, but it’s not my life. People like him, it is literally their life. I kind of understand that some people have to live in a video game, but I’m not that type of person. It’s because he feels invaded by a casual player like me reaching 2.3 k or even Gladiator on multiple characters, that he feels like he is inept and absolutely inert. Back before my old YouTube channel was lost, people were watching a lot of my videos. I really am tempted to upload so many of them right now. I mean for entertainment sake part of me says why not? I’ve been playing since vanilla and I have so much footage and so many screenshots and memories to share. It’s crazy that in 83 year old person like me completely and utterly annihilated someone’s cognitive over a video game rating that he couldn’t reach

You can’t provide even one thing to back up anything you say. Even one. It’s not complicated. Such a simple request. You’re obsessed with rating so much that you have to lie about it. What’s silly is you could shut this all down in a second, but you won’t, because you can’t.

You never hit 2300. You never hit glad. You never had a video of cheaters. Even just a single screenshot of you hitting any rating higher than 2100. You can’t do any of those things.

All I’m asking is just for a little truth and that’s… to tough for you. Instead you accuse other players of cheating because you’ll never have what they earned. Unfortunate.

I do want screenshots, but not that kind. :slight_smile:

I already did and posted my other account that had all of the 2.4K achievements as well as showing that I have 2.3K on hunter with ease. Also you saw video evidence of me making people very highly upset at the highest ranks of actual rbgs outside of blitz. You got stomped and you can learn how to live with it. Time for you to go get a job seek help with having a fractured psyche over being below a player who is 83 years old and plays very casually, while that 83 year old helps people get all kinds of rewards and acheivements due to the game being nearly dead. Its ok you can find some guides on YouTube to help you get from 1800 to 2K or a little higher instead of getting third-party help and handing over your credentials for 2.1k. Maybe after a few years you’ll reach 2K on your own. Your participation dropped to zero after your purchase.

2.3k was easy to obtain.

Unfortunately like everything you say, that simply isn’t true. Just post one screenshot. That’s all it takes. Just one. Surely you have just one.

Just ask me to post a screenshot of anything you want. What achievements do you want to see? I can. Why can’t you?

I do. I have more fun not posting it. I enjoy watching this unfold, and it gets me off. Knowing what I did and how easy it was to reach it. You already saw and searched my old account when I spoke of Xelonith and other people from BFA and shadowlands. You saw my rogue hitting 2.4k twice and my other licenses have crazy amounts of toys and other things that I earned.

Thanks for witnessing me reach 2.3k.

Oh. So you haven’t and lied again. Surprise.

Well this just got boring.

anyways now that we’ve established 2.3k was very easy to get, and that I got all of my transmog stuff that I wanted along with a permanent feel and remembrance of how easy it was, you can try to get a job now. Try to go above minimum wage because inflation is bad right now. Eggs are going to cost you an hour of your life. Thanks for searching and finding all of my videos and account achievements across my licenses.

You are not okay. Get your head checked.


It’s a volcano effect. Each one doubles, then triples, finale perma. Racism and attacking the lgbt will expedite to perma though instantly.

Disagree, but it’s not worth arguing. Cleary there is an option to report players for gameplay sabotage. To what effect it is used, I have no idea. I only know some players who claim they received action based on this, but hard to say.

Yea, it’s confusing. Blizzard is very transparent with what happens, if anything. Maybe nothing happens, and if that’s the case, why have the report function?

Regardless, I have been in plenty of bgs where someone is very vocal and claiming they reporting multiple people. Like the one I was just in last night. It was so dumb. Hunter/Rogue were going mid/top on mines and I said I would go off carts as well. I went top and died to ret/hunter and the rogue/hunter basically got soloed by the other teams rogue. The hunter on my team instantly started saying I was dumb and I was throwing.

Regardless, I just responded in kind. I doubt they got suspended. Still my fault for reacting, so not sweating it.

The one scenario you mentioned wasn’t playing poorly, they decided to just not play and afk.

I don’t think they look at logs unless it was a chat violation, but there’s not a whole lot of information around that. Also, I believe when you report someone for a chat violation it only sends their chat. So if someone said bad things and you want them to get actioned, you need to step up and report them.

Just to be more transparent on my situation in that game. I was listening to strat calls in RW. The holy paladin and hunter with me at mines said we got this go help LH in say chat. Figured it was a duo queue. Half way there, boom, told to be reported lol.

I was in a blitz and my team got mad at me for “not being on cap” and to report me for throwing when I was literally death gripped off just before they returned flag. Not something you’re going to get actioned for.

If you’re actually playing then I wouldn’t worry too much about other people saying they are reporting you for throwing just for making mistakes.

I just got out of a 2300 game and my rating went up by 35 at 1750.

I think something has changed, last season that would have only given me 24 max.


I think I need a break, been on a losing streak since hitting 1750. Like really close games too.

I’m getting 23-29 rating for wins.

The maximum CR gain was raised by 50% in Blitz, to 36.

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Thats helpful. Glad they changed that.

Yeah i had a 3034mmr game today with 0cr players in it who had ONLY greens on. I was 2066cr.

This started an MMR death spiral where I lost 9 in a row, and fell to 2056cr/2100mmr.

This is beyond tilting. I would take longer queue times over this mess.

Ill solve your issue at least temporatily. Rated content isnt for gearing. There thats better. Solves the problem

It’s the first week of the season; that shouldn’t be surprising. People are going to use Blitz to cap, some for their first win to acquire crafting tokens.

Those people ended S1 with higher MMR, and MMR didn’t reset.

Sorry for your misfortune, but don’t lose 9 in a row lol. Stop queuing if you’re tilted and on a loss streak. Duo queue to get a little more consistency.

Rage queuing your MMR down to the gutter ain’t anyone else’s fault.