Oh? Now I’m sub 2k. haha
No one knows who you are.
Oh? Now I’m sub 2k. haha
No one knows who you are.
Yeah youre an 1850 player who got 3rd party assistance and only play games of pretend to make your self appear better than you are. Not reaching higher than 2k on your own is a you problem. Not a me problem. Maybe learn how to PvP.
Sure thing dude.
I’ve definitely reached 2.4 K on four different classes throughout the years with witnesses, and you couldn’t even do it once. People have seen me in rbgs and Arena, nobody has seen you anywhere and you are nothing. It’s because you don’t even play your own account. That’s your fault. Get over it.
Sure thing dude. Post proof. You’re the only one that is obsessed with rating. I have never known a good player that comes to the forum to accuse 1600 players of cheating. That’s what you did. 1600 players were giving you trouble and you had to accuse them of cheating.
No decent player does that.
Plenty of proof has already been posted, and Battleground Blitz does not matter whatsoever. It’s a fake game mode and has been proven to be fake multiple times by many people. It’s a piece of trash and nobody cares about it. The community consensus says that Blitz means nothing. I proved it by reaching 2.3 K in a real Arena setting rather than a trash fake setting that you lean on as a crutch. It didnt work in your favor though. You lose.
You already found my other accounts from shadowlands and bfa, and you’ve seen videos and pictures of what I’ve done. You can quit talking for your own good now. Everyone here knows what I’ve done and now they know what you’ve done. They know that you’ve allowed your credentials to be passed on to other people while you sit down all season not doing anything on your own. Anyways reaching 2.3 K was very easy and maybe you should aim higher than 1.8 k
You haven’t posted anything. The only thing you have done is accuse 1600 players of cheating.
I have asked you many times now to post them. I’m not going to look for something that doesn’t exist.
Yeah and I proved it by linking 10 different websites that shows that they can even remote control your desktop for a fee. From 0 to 1600. The fact that you’re defending websites just shows how weak you are. It only proves my point even more. You receive third party help and I don’t. How much do you want to bet right now that you won’t get on Discord and try to talk like this live on youtube?
We’re back to accusing 1600 players of cheating? Got it.
You’re the one that brought it up three times in a row just now. Because you have nothing else to say. Anyways glad to know I was right about you being a 1.8 K player that passed on his credentials to a third party in order to pretend that you’re good at the game. Learn how to PVP and quit crying on the forums. Maybe then you’ll get almost to where I am one day. Battleground Blitz is almost as fake as you
Keep accusing 1600 players of cheating. I’m sure one day you’ll realize the issue is you and not them.
There are no players at 1600. It’s just a bunch of PVE players buying transmog stuff from a website because they’re afraid to enter PVP kind of like you. You’re the one that doesn’t queue up ever. End of story.
Can you guys duel to settle this
I will gladly answer PVP versus him with the Healer but he won’t show up. He knows what’s going to happen to him. I’ve reached 2.3 K and he hasn’t. His 1.8 K in reality rating is very much something that he is afraid to get exposed. He’s too nervous for that. 2v2 or 3v3 is fine with me. He won’t do it though. He’s extremely anxious and nervous and shaky. He knows I’m not lying in that all of this is truth, and everybody here has seen my past achievements in shadowlands and BFA especially. He found out but he doesn’t want to admit that he found my other accounts that I did not buy this expansion for yet. I do not plan to buy this expansion on anything but my new account that was created just for this.
He does not want to get embarrassed like that.
Just duel him 1v1
No that’s too easy and people would just say oh you’re a BM Hunter you win by default. I’m not doing that. But I will definitely war games versus him and 2v2 or 3v3 where he pretends he’s higher than 1800.
He hasn’t queued up for PVP in like 3 months so it doesn’t matter.
Unfortunately you’re not important enough beyond correcting on these forums. Unlike you, I don’t have anything to prove.
Good luck hitting 2.3 this season.
Reaching 2.3k this season was very easy, and always has been for me. Ive been 2.4k on 4 classes previously outside of this newly created account, and you researched and found that to be true by going back and searching my name here, and seeing my past with other expansions. Scaring you away from 2v2 or 3v3 versus me was very easy as well. There’s nothing you can do as a very exposed 1800 player. There’s nothing wrong with being an 1800 player, unless they act like you. 1800 players can improve, but you won’t. You’re stuck paying for the gap between 1800 and 2k. That’s a you problem, not a me problem. I actually helped 13 people go from 1400 rating all the way to 1,850, or 2,000. Unlike you I’ve put in a lot of time to keep people pvping and preserve this game. I’ve helped a lot of random people that needed some advice and a little bit of a boost so that they can get a real experience out of PVP instead of giving up. The only thing you’ve done is sit down for 3 months after making your payment. You are old news and nobody cares about you and your delusional rants anymore.
It’s crazy that you are even worse than the people that are in this video. I already thought these people were obsessed, but you take it to the next level. Enjoy watching from their point of view, as you would see it the same way.
I think they want more than that.