even 15days ago this wasnt true. Sod pvp was basically nonexistant. Played until aq and bg’s is what i would do outside of raiding and helping guildies.
My bgs pop faster then they do on retail. I don’t know what else to tell you. I was literally doing bgs an hour ago, each queue was 3 min or less. My retail queues, currently in AV getting premade farmed, took 12mins to pop.
oh you are comapring epic bg ques. how many wsg games going on outside of bg weekends? It was all av til the mark change then it was all ally afking and letting horde 5cap til they changed that. Could not get a wsg outside of weekends and even then there were max 2 games going at a time. Culture over there is farming honor per hour over playing pvp. Ill take retail over that even tho i really liked sod boomie.
That’s what I am. Its too fun and good not to be one, outside phase 3, where they gutted it and left ele in a stupid state.
edit: yeah sorry, I only queue epics. I should be more specific.
I miss my 1second starfires. Ill say its the best version of boomie ive played. Stopped right before aq so that iteration idk whats changed at this point.
That’s crazy because not only is he living rent free. He is gonna get a double kill on you here and not even know it because of name dropping. Too funny.
In SoD only? or in Cata as well?
That’s because, like everyone and their mother, chose to play alliance mohawk.
Horde EPIC bg is 2-5mins.