MMR in Blitz badly needs to be addressed

I didn’t realize I had left them.

You’re a truly miserable person and that honestly makes me happy. Imagine hating on someone so much… and for what? Just stupid.

More classic trash on these forums.

Adroi, one of us had to cry and bawl on General Discussion, the Arena Forums, and Bug Report about people disagreeing with them.

One of us plays classic.

I sincerely hope that you’re not allowed within 100 ft of any school.


Oh, about the trolls ruining the forums? I see you took that personal. Good.

What the hell man?

And you’re sick in the head. Truly a disgusting human being.

there’s a reason you get laughed off of every forum, no one wants you near them, including their kids. Ty.


Nah, that you would make light of something so atrocious is awful. Legitimately sick man.

I wouldn’t make light of an adult with your various afflictions being near school kids, that’s why I voiced it.


The pot calling the kettle black

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That’s some crazy levels of slander lol


Yea, pretty crazy considering I have had little to no interaction with them. Lots of these trolls got mad when I said they were ruining the forum. The funny thing is then they just prove the point I was making.

He is literally lying about the whole su($ide thing. It’s one of his delusional fairy tales. Everyone here knows that I’ve never said anything like that he’s just making up stories.

His whole life is invested in this game, and when a casual player surpasses him easily after claiming to be able to do so, while providing proof and debunking everything he says, he defaults to self-victimization. Basically surpassing him in the game is like surpassing him IRL by 10 fold.

I never mocked what this person claimed that I mocked by the way, and you will never find that ever happening. It’s just a delusion in his head. I’m not sure how many hours this person spends at the computer desktop, but it’s apparently unhealthy or slob levels. All because he got annihilated by evidence and truths that cracked and shattered him.

I’m just glad at the last moments I was able to reach 2.3k and get all the stuff for my characters, and it was easy.

Hes obsessed with losing and getting ragdolled by a community in a video game, by players superior to him in every aspect.

Looks like you got flushed down the toilet and nobody cares what you’re saying. Take your frustrations with superior players acheivements elsewhere. Go scream into your pillow and lightly tap on a punching bag with your flaccid wrists.

Maybe you should try not getting 3rd party help in pvp and then sitting a whole season as the 1800 player you are.

2.3k was easy. Maybe next season you can move past 2k but with your fake persona, and long distance relationships with a couple individuals on Discord, alongside that 3rd party assistance, and handing over youe credentials etc., you will never succeed. :credit_card:


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Yeah we’ve already been over this. Armory didnt update but 2.3k was easy and I didnt get 3rd party help unlike you. You havent entered shuffle in 3 months because you were scared to dip below 2k. We get it.

Loving all the transmogs I got right now. Making an elemental shaman as my 5th class to reach 2.3k or even gladiator with next.


Yeah we’ve already been over this. Armory didnt update but 2.3k was easy and I didnt get 3rd party help unlike you. You havent entered shuffle in 3 months because you were scared to dip below 2k. We get it.

Loving all the transmogs I got right now. Making an elemental shaman as my 5th class to reach 2.3k or even gladiator with next.

Screenshots or it didn’t happen. Actually, don’t worry about it. No one believes you.

People saw multiple accounts Ive used over the past few years and pointed out to you my old profile with videos of me dominating 2.4k RBGs and arena with 4 classes. You can move on with your life now, knowing you never stacked up.

Post them or it didn’t happen. Again, don’t worry about it. No one believes you.

Everyone here knows me, and they only know you for being that sub 2k player who made 3rd party purchases. They especially remember my fun prime time with BFA and shadowlands, and all the dalaran sewers. Youre like that guy Xelonith but with far more damage and disturbances.